Best Entry

A Changing Skyline

submitted by St.Dorothy's Senior School : Kyra Abela  for 11-14
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): school media, website
filed under Campaigning photo Photos
awarded: Best Entry

“Due to our limited land mass, more high-rise buildings will be constructed in the future.” – Parliamentary Secretary for Planning and the Property Market. The Real Estate in Malta is booming, and our views have changed into a surreal landscape. Everywhere you look you see apartments, planning authority sites, road construction, and the list goes on. What is happening to the limited amount of green areas we have in Malta? Is the construction more important than the greenery which gives off oxygen essential for us to live? Is it really that important? Meanwhile us students are trying to save what is left using one break at a time, planting one crop at a time….

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Save for the Future

submitted by Maria Regina College Dun Manwel Attard Young Adult Education Resource Centre : Liam Farrugia  for 19-25
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): Facebook, noticeboard, other, school media, website
filed under Photos Reporting photo
awarded: Best Entry, HSBC Award, Shortlisted internationally

Only by carefully measuring our choices and being responsible when it comes to our impact on the world’s natural resources can we ensure that generations to come can still live in a healthy and rich environment.

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Perfection… it’s me you’re looking for!

submitted by Maria Regina College Dun Manwel Attard Young Adult Education Resource Centre : Nicole Marie Muscat  for 15-18
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): Facebook, noticeboard, other, school media, website
filed under Photos Reporting photo
awarded: Best Entry, Shortlisted internationally

Not all that glitters is gold! The shiny apple is coated in wax which is unnecessary and potentially toxic, even if it makes the apple appear more attractive. People tend to favour shiny ones – its appearance mimics freshness and flavour…but that is not necessarily the case! Eating natural produce that is not refined or processed is always a healthier option and poses less threats on our health and less demands on our planet. Even if they look less attractive, going for a natural option, the way mother nature intended, is often a better choice.

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