Best Entry

Act fast Save the hedgehogs

submitted by MRC NAXXAR PRIMARY : Liam Camilleri  for 11-14
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): school media, website
filed under Reporting video Video Clips
awarded: Best Entry, Finalist

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The Mediterranean Sea: friend or foe?

submitted by MRC NAXXAR PRIMARY : Jack Bartolo Lautier  for 7-10
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): school media, website
filed under Reporting video Video Clips
awarded: Best Entry

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Making our school tuck shop greener

submitted by St Thomas More College Middle & Secondary School Zejtun : Aiden Delia, Avril Muscat, Cleavon Borg, Cressida Azzopardi, Gabriella Caruana, Leah Marie Camilleri, Liam Galea, Luca Attard, Mariah Victoria Grima, Neil Demarco, Shelley Callus  for 15-18
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): other, School Celebration Day, school magazine, school media, website
filed under Reporting video Video Clips
awarded: Best Entry

The EkoSkola committee of STMC Middle and Secondary School Zejtun carried out an environmental review of the school at the beginning of the scholastic year. They noticed that many single use disposable items were being distributed by the tuckshop, including paper bags, wooden cutlery, paper cups and plastic lids. The students decided to implement a tuckshop loyalty card system which encourages students to bring their own reusable containers, cups and cutlery from home, for which they get a stamp on their loyalty card. Once 20 stamps are collected, this is exchanged for positive points. Waste data was collected from the tuckshop supplier before and after implementing the system. Following the successful implementation of the tuckshop loyalty card system, the amount of paper bags decreased by 15%, the amount of wooden cutlery decreased by 10% and the number of cups and lids decreased by 50%, in just 4 weeks.

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Out of mind but not out of sight: The problem with litter

submitted by St Martin's College : Catriona Jo Buhagiar  for 11-14
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): other, Youtube channel
filed under Campaigning video Video Clips
awarded: Best Entry

When we throw away something, where does it really go? Waste is something we can never get rid of, and has detrimental effects on the environment. Despite this, there are ways to reduce its impact it has on our Earth through sustainable waste management.

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Interview with the Coast is Clear Founder

submitted by MRC NAXXAR PRIMARY : Ninu Scicluna  for 7-10
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): school media, website
filed under Reporting video Video Clips
awarded: Best Entry

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An ethical wardrobe

submitted by St Nicholas College Secondary School Ħad-Dingli : Amy Smith, Angelo Graham, Antonia Ciappara, Faith Bondin, John Mizzi, Julienne Portelli, Lisa Aquilina, Sara Marie Mifsud  for 11-14
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): school media, website
filed under Campaigning video Video Clips
awarded: Best Entry

A group of budding environmentalists at St Nicholas College Secondary School Ħad-Dingli have been investigating the environmental impact of the clothing industry. They were not happy with just highlighting the issue but have also come up with suggestions how changes in our lifestyle can reduce the negative impact on the environment of this industry. So join us…let’s redesign fashion!

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The Climate is changing, so should we!

submitted by Gozo College Middle School : Elly Cutajar  for 11-14
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): radio, school media, website
filed under Reporting video Video Clips
awarded: Best Entry

Young Reporter for the Environment, Elly Cutajar, highlights the importance of using alternative modes of transport to help stop climate change.    

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Turn Off the Lights!

submitted by Verdala International School : Alexander Westrin, Michael Samaha  for 15-18
campaign: Litter Less Campaign Entry
dissemination(s): Bye Bye Plastic Bags (global team from Bali) newsletter, other, school media
filed under Campaigning video Most active YREstayshome participant Video Clips
awarded: Best Entry, Finalist, Most active YREstayshome participant

This video was created before Earth hour in March, and the main message is to spread awareness of the importance to turn off your lights when there is natural sunlight available, because lightbulbs use up a lot of power which ultimately causes pollution created by the power plants.

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Soil…. an essential natural resource

submitted by G. F. Abela Junior College University of Malta : Aidan Gauci, Marie Therese Pavia  for 19-25
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): newspaper, school media, tv, website
filed under Reporting video Video Clips
awarded: Best Entry, Finalist

Soil is an essential resource to which many do not give much thought. It can take thousands of years to form and is fundamental, directly and indirectly, to several United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Unfortunately, in our country, it is increasingly under threat. This video about soil in Malta was produced by Marie Therese Pavia and Aidan Gauci (University of Malta, Ġ.F Abela Junior College) as part of the Young Reporters for the Environment competition 2020. It investigates issues related to local soil so as to raise awareness and knowledge about this vital natural resource. The following is the link of the video:    

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Single use plastic bags and food containers: Let’s stop feeding the landfills

submitted by Immaculate Conception School St. Jeanne Antide College Tarxien : Dea Lia (Committee President)  for 11-14
campaign: Litter Less Campaign Entry
dissemination(s): other, radio, school magazine, school media, Shown to all school community during the school Concert and Award giving Ceremonies on 9th and 10th May, tv
filed under Campaigning video Video Clips
awarded: Best Entry

We definitely need to eat. Do our landfills need to eat too? This video, produced by the Eko skola committee of Immaculate Conception School, Tarxien as part of the Litter Less Campaign, aims to create awareness on the amount of plastic bags and food containers that we use when we go shopping and to suggest actions that we can all do to reduce this type of plastic. With a little more thought and planning we can achieve a lot.    

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