Best Entry

The Environmental Impact of village feasts

submitted by St. Augustine College : Ian Massa, Jean Luca Mercieca  for 11-14
campaign: Litter Less Campaign Entry
dissemination(s): and school campaign/ College Celebration Day, other, school media
filed under Reporting video Video Clips
awarded: Best Entry

The village feasts are an important aspect of Maltese culture and traditions. But what about their environmental impact? This video was produced by Ian Massa and Jean Luca Mercieca (Year 9 – St. Augustine College, Pieta’) as part of the 2018 Litter Less campaign. It raises awareness about the effect of the village festa on the environment, including waste, and how this impact may be reduced.

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Avoiding Food Waste

submitted by San Gorg Preca College Ħamrun Secondary School : Andre Caruana, Daniela Vella, Faith Vella, Kim Debono, Kurt Vella, Martina Pace  for 15-18
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): radio, school magazine, school media, website
filed under Campaigning video Video Clips
awarded: Best Entry, WasteServ Award

The school’s EkoSkola Committee are taking part in the WasteServ School-Community Link Project – Promoting a Zero Waste Society in which through this and two other video in collaboration with the Video Production House Striped Sox, we are promoting the reduction of food waste and how to avoid it. This by creating awareness and also, giving tips and solutions on this. The EkoSkola team also worked on the We Eat Responsibly Project with this same theme of food waste which is being tackled via the production of a recipe booklet Sustainable Cooking including tips and ideas to preserve food and avoid wasting it as well as recipes of leftover food.

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submitted by MCAST ICA : Liam Carter  for 19-25
dissemination(s): radio, school media, tv, website
filed under Video Clips
awarded: Best Entry

Il-Forti Ricasoli, l-akbar fortifikazzjoni ġo Malta jinsab f’sitwazzjoni perikoluża. Tant hu hekk li jekk kollox jibqa’ mixi bl-istess rata dan il-forti jista’ jispiċċa biss eku tal-passat. Ħejejt dan dan il-proġett awdjo-viżiv bl-għan li l-awtoritajiet ikkonċernati flimkien mal-poplu Malii jsir konxju tas-sitwazzjoni li din il-ġahwra storika tinsab fih. Produzzjoni u kitba ta’ Liam Carter

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