
No to plastic

submitted by Valletta Primary : Lucezen Vella Grixti, Zven Mallia Pace  for 7-10
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): school media
filed under Articles
awarded: Disqualified

BCR Outing :As Year 5 students with our educators, we visited the BCRS facility on 15th February 2024. We were shown a presentation of what happens in these premises. We were given some figures which really fascinated us as we didn’t imagine that thousands of bottles are recycled per day. Following this we were shown how the bottles get crushed. We were given the opportunity to see and touch the microplastics. There was also a control room displaying all the footage of the BCRS machines over Malta. After we were taken to the large garage where we could see the machinery to see the process of how the bottles are crushed and stacked in bundles. We were also given the opportunity to dispose of some bottles and cans using the BCR machines. This outing made us realize more the importance of recycling plastic.

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Dmugħ tas-siġar

submitted by MRC NAXXAR PRIMARY : Kai Schembri  for 7-10
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): school magazine, school media
filed under Articles
awarded: Disqualified

Tgħid għaliex? Inti taf għaliex? Tħares fejn tħares, griż biss. Dan għaliex?

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