HSBC Award

Save for the Future

submitted by Maria Regina College Dun Manwel Attard Young Adult Education Resource Centre : Liam Farrugia  for 19-25
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): Facebook, noticeboard, other, school media, website
filed under Photos Reporting photo
awarded: Best Entry, HSBC Award, Shortlisted internationally

Only by carefully measuring our choices and being responsible when it comes to our impact on the world’s natural resources can we ensure that generations to come can still live in a healthy and rich environment.

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Not a Drop Wasted

submitted by Dun Manwel Attard Young Adult Education Resource Centre Maria Regina College : Aurelia Zammit  for 19-25
dissemination(s): other, Our Resource Centre Facebook Page, website
filed under Photos
awarded: HSBC Award

Water is essential to our health, our communities, our environment and our economy. Maybe a small drop is not much, but we question, how much can a little drop waste? Though a single drop is not a lot, think about how much water can go wasted from every faucet in every home. Every little counts.

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