WasteServ Award

Green Hedgehog

submitted by Maria Regina College Mosta : Hayley Cilia  for 15-18
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): school media, website
filed under Photos Reporting photo
awarded: Best Entry, WasteServ Award

Reusing plastic objects giving them a second life is done regularly at Maria Regina College Mosta, where students research ways how to reuse waste and actually work together to make this happen. A cute soft hedgehog welcomes students into the garden where there are other various recycled objects that students can see and use. This is a simple example of how with some creativity lots of waste can be given a new life and eventually help in reducing the huge waste problem we have in Malta. Teaching is not just done through lessons, but mainly through presenting real live scenarios and solutions.

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Saving Tomorrow

submitted by Gozo College Seondary School : Owen Bugeja  for 11-14
campaign: Litter Less Campaign Entry
dissemination(s): Ekoskola GCSS facebook page, other, school media, website
filed under Campaigning photo Photos
awarded: 2nd place Litter less Campaign, WasteServ Award

Sometimes it seems a daunting effort to keep our countryside pristine as shown in this photo. But if everyone reaches out and does his/her effort we can all enjoy a view not littered by man-made materials which will outlast us all.

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