St. Margaret College Secondary School Verdala students experience a Chinese Tea Culture Ceremony as part of their multicultural project.
submitted by St. Margaret College Secondary School Verdala : Baldacchino Joenis, Cini Maya, Demetrius Gerada, Isaac Diacono, Leon Bartolo, Manpreet Singh, Vassallo Jake for 15-18
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): newspaper, school magazine, school media, website
Proof of dissemination: Click to view Click to view
Dissemination description: 1. Presentation in class; 2. Article sent to the Sunday Times of Malta Newspaper for publication; 3. Article sent to the Pontificia Missio Malta Magazine for publication; 4. School Facebook Page; ( ) 5. School Magazine (still to be published) - [email protected] ; 6. School Website - 7. Facebook page of the China Cultural Centre in Malta -
sustainable development goal(s): good health and well being, quality education
filed under Articles
awarded: Participation
On Tuesday, 15th November 2022, some Form 4 (Year 10)
classes at St. Margaret College Secondary School Verdala,
Cospicua experienced the beauty of a Chinese Tea Culture
ceremony as part of their multi cultural project. During this
ceremony, students had the chance to smell the nice aroma
of fresh Chinese Jasmine tea leaves and taste a cup of
delicious Chinese tea.
All the Articles
- 7-10
- 11-14
- 15-18
- 19-25
- Best Entry
- Participation
- 1st place Litter less Campaign
- 2nd place Litter less Campaign
- 3rd place Litter less campaign
- Honorable Mention
- YREstayshome
- 1st place international
- International Honorable Mention
- 2nd place international
- 3rd place international
- Shortlisted internationally
- Best Entry International Collaboration
- Best YREstayshome Award
- Sustainable Mobility Award
- Most active YREstayshome participant
- YREstayshome International Award
- New Category
- Disqualified
- Commended
- Finalist
- HSBC Award
- NT-FEE Award
- WasteServ Award
- WER Award
All the Photos
- 7-10
- 11-14
- 15-18
- 19-25
- Best Entry
- Participation
- 1st place Litter less Campaign
- 2nd place Litter less Campaign
- 3rd place Litter less campaign
- Honorable Mention
- YREstayshome
- 1st place international
- International Honorable Mention
- 2nd place international
- 3rd place international
- Shortlisted internationally
- Best Entry International Collaboration
- Best YREstayshome Award
- Sustainable Mobility Award
- Most active YREstayshome participant
- YREstayshome International Award
- New Category
- Disqualified
- Commended
- Finalist
- HSBC Award
- NT-FEE Award
- WasteServ Award
- WER Award
All the Video Clips
- 7-10
- 11-14
- 15-18
- 19-25
- Best Entry
- Participation
- 1st place Litter less Campaign
- 2nd place Litter less Campaign
- 3rd place Litter less campaign
- Honorable Mention
- YREstayshome
- 1st place international
- International Honorable Mention
- 2nd place international
- 3rd place international
- Shortlisted internationally
- Best Entry International Collaboration
- Best YREstayshome Award
- Sustainable Mobility Award
- Most active YREstayshome participant
- YREstayshome International Award
- New Category
- Disqualified
- Commended
- Finalist
- HSBC Award
- NT-FEE Award
- WasteServ Award
- WER Award