United we can make a difference
submitted by St Igantius College Girls' Sec : Brenda Gatt, Hayley Vella for 11-14
dissemination(s): website
filed under Photos
The pictures clearly show that it was a joint effort by students (all Form 2 students & EKoskola Committee), with the help of the students and the active involvement of the Qormi Local Council. Infact, the Mayor Ms.Cutajar joined the students in this walk. The students during this walk, meet with different workers in the industrial estate and advice them on the appropriate way to disposing of waste, including hazardous waste. Leaflets were prepared and distributed to these workers. The photo together with other taken during this awareness walk were disseminated through through the school website and blog. The photos were also forwarded to the local council to avail themselves of them as well. One of the photos show the students meeting the Mayor before the start of the awareness campaign.

1st Place YRE – Photo 11-14yrs: If this Eyesore You Cannot Bear…Don’t be Afraid to Care
submitted by Our Lady Immaculate School Hamrun : Yasmin Joy Attard for 11-14
dissemination(s): EkoSkola Notice board, other, website
filed under Photos
The entrance to what probably was a small farmhouse nowadays hosts a small rubbish dump just outside Xewkija, Gozo. One can see an old rusty barrel, pieces of wood and a CRT television set. This waste is not just an eyesore to those who walk near the place, but also poses a danger to humans, the soil and underlying groundwater. Rust, or iron oxide, can harbour microbes, such as tetanus. A CRT television contains chemicals, such as lead and barium, which seep through the soil and pollute the groundwater. Where is this leading us to? Something needs to be done to clean up what is left of our countryside. In a country where space is at a premium and the countryside is rapidly becoming a rarity, we must do everything in our power to conserve that little breath of fresh air we have left.

2nd Place YRE – Photo 11-14yrs: Trees for Streets
submitted by St.Benedict College Girls' Secondary School Tarxien : Maria Micallef for 11-14
dissemination(s): other, Participation in School Open Day, school media
filed under Photos
Heavy traffic poses a serious threat to our health and the environment. Vehicle emissions release several pollutants into the air including carbon monoxide, an odourless poisonous gas which can cause sudden death. Car exhaust gases are certainly the cause of respiratory illnesses such as asthma and lung cancer. Trees and green plants are effective in reducing air pollutants. Busy roads should be embellished with more trees to improve air quality. The planting of indigenous shrubs and trees such as the Aleppo Pine tree (Sigra taz-Znuber) should be encouraged. Trees also serve as a refuge for several bird species and help to retain soil. Unfortunately, trees can be the target of vandals by ripping off branches. Local authorities should impose hefty fines on tree vandals. On the other hand, public awareness should be increased through campaigns such as the Tree For You campaign which encourages tree plantation in several areas.

3rd Place YRE – Photo 11-14yrs: Nature
submitted by Maria Regina College Mosta Boys’ Secondary : Kurt Borg Bonaci for 11-14
dissemination(s): school media
filed under Photos
I have taken this photo myself as I like to explore the environment around where I live (ie Burmarrad, Malta). In a week from today (April 12th), this caterpillar will turn into a colourful butterfly . If we do not take care of nature this caterpillar would die and it would not please us any longer! When farmers use pesticides to kill insects and parasites they end up also harming the nature in the surroundings, such as by not letting the amazing caterpillar and insects grow and show their beauty. If no one controls the use of insecticides and pesticides we are going to keep on harming the habitats and life cycles of insects and other creatures. We would lose many species of insects as they become extinct.

3rd Place YRE – Photo 11-14yrs: It-Tankijiet fil-Kampanja
submitted by St Thomas More College Girls' Secondary School Sta Lucia : Chayenne Briffa, Erica Emma Cassar for 11-14
dissemination(s): school media
filed under Photos
It-tankijiet fil-kampanja speċjalment fl-għelieqi ikerrħu l-ambjent. F’Malta, għalkemm kontra l-ligi, xorta għadek issib xi nies li jagħmlu użu minn dawn it-tankijiet biex iservu bħala xatba jew jaqsmu l-għelieqi minn sid għal ta’ ieħor. Xi nies, ma jinteressahomx la mill-ambjent, la mill-multi u lanqas mill-fatt li l-gvern jagħti sussidji biex jinbnew jew jirranġaw il-ħitan tas-sejjieħ! Għalhekk, għandu jkun hemm iżjed sorveljanza mill-awtoritajiet b’pieni aktar ħorox ħalli nipproteġu l-ambjent tagħna. Min jaf kieku tingħata għajnuna biex il-bdiewa jagħmlu xatba tal-injam biex nipproteġu aħjar il-kampanja Maltija?!

1st Place Wrigley – Photo 11-14yrs: Where Flowers don’t Grow
submitted by St Edward's College Vittoriosa : Mattia Agius Muscat for 11-14
dissemination(s): newspaper, school magazine, school media
filed under Photos
A panoramic view tinted with this shameful eyesore… a large coastal area is slowly becoming a dumping site. Rubber, as well as some broken stools, is destroying the habitat for many insects and plants. A dumped mattress made all flora rest as it crushed the grass and plants. Flowers and plants struggle to grow through a dumped tyre. This problem persists year after year – last year’s rubbish ended up being burnt to the detriment of the surrounding environment. Litter brings more litter – so I suggest that the local council should see to the removal of this bulky refuse. Additionally, immediate action must be taken to put up a sign that whoever is caught dumping will be fined a hefty sum. This site is rich in flora and indigenous rocks and it is such a pity that those who are irresponsible are allowed to ruin and make unlimited damage at no price.

2nd Place Wrigley – Photo 11-14yrs: Suicide Tree
submitted by St. Clare's College Girls' Secondary Pembroke : Janice Bugeja, Mariah Attard for 11-14
dissemination(s): school magazine, website
filed under Photos
Under the shade of a tree, a lovely place for a picnic, to relax and enjoy some peace and tranquility. Not under this tree. The undergrowth is seen to be covered with all sorts of litter, the most prominent being plastic bottles which will continue to exist for several years before degrading. They also pose a threat to small wildlife creatures which get trapped in them. Close examination of the litter reveals syringes used for drug abuse making the ground even more dangerous to consider threading on. The photo was taken at St James Ditch Floriana, not far from the road leading to Auberge de Castille, from where hundreds of people pass every day. We appeal to the authorities to have the place cleaned up from this dangerous litter. In the meantime our hearts go out to those who have fallen victim to this abuse !

3rd Place Wrigley – Photo 11-14yrs: Batterona Campaign?
submitted by Gozo College Boys' Secondary Victoria : EkoSkola Committee for 11-14
dissemination(s): school media
filed under Photos
Unfortunately car batteries like this are not so rare in our countryside. Apart from being unsightly, the acid in the battery that seeps in the soil damages our environment for many years to come. Not an activity that should be encouraged obviously. These car batteries should be properly disposed of. Perhaps together with the Batterina Campaign there should also be a Batterona Campaign??

Used or Wasted?!
submitted by Our Lady Immaculate School Hamrun : Martina Agius, Michaela Agius for 11-14
dissemination(s): EkoSkola Notice board, other
filed under Photos
This photograph was taken at Wied il-Qlejqa, mostly known as Chadwick Lakes. The water shown in this photograph is being absorbed by the rocks but what about the other water that is left? Probably, this precious water would get lost in the sea or cause flooding in the nearby streets. After a few days this water would result in a viscous green soup of algae, resulting in the collection of various insects in the area. Children could easily fall in this murky water. 1 in 8 people in the world do not have clean water. So why not make good use of this water once we have it? Without a doubt this rainwater can be collected in large reservoirs and used for agriculture.

Beauty and the Beast
submitted by St.Benedict College Girls' Secondary School Tarxien : Maria Micallef for 11-14
dissemination(s): newspaper, other, Participation in School Open Day, school media
filed under Photos
Just opposite our school’s main entrance gate, one finds a shabby filthy area. As clearly shown in these pictures, this place is being used as an illegal dumping site. Trash, discarded syringes, car bumpers and used motor oil are some of the unpleasant items one finds hidden among trees and grass. Moreover, irresponsible dog owners are taking out their dog for a walk in this area and are not clearing up the mess left by their dogs. Studies reveal that dog excrement can result in serious infections which may cause eye disease including blindness. This site should immediately be cleaned and embellished by the local authorities. CCTV surveillance cameras should be installed to deter littering and vandalism. On the other hand, people should be encouraged to make use of the bulky refuse service provided free of charge by most local councils. As students we hope that immediate action is taken.