The waste resources are there… Are we using them properly?
by San Gorg Preca College Boys Secondary School Hamrun : Jonathan Camenzuli, Kurt Vella, Matthew Bezzina for 11-14
dissemination(s): newspaper, school media, website
filed under Photos
The waste resources are there… Are we using them properly?
Tiny but harmful!
by Cospicua St Margaret College Boys' Secondary Verdala : Melvin Vella for 11-14
dissemination(s): Annual School Exhibition, other, school magazine, website
filed under Photos
People throw away plastic items and these break down into bits. These bits of plastic might be tiny but they are very harmful when washed into the sea. Sea creatures mistake them for krill and swallow them. When we throw away a plastic object we are showing lack of respect for the creatures sharing our planet in our seas and oceans!
Urbanised Tradition
by Gzira St.Monica School : Julia Scerri for 11-14
dissemination(s): newspaper, other, school media, YRE Assembly
filed under Photos
The rubble wall makes a huge part of the Maltese culture and the rural environment. It is a pity that in some areas, its efficiency is not appreciated enough. In this picture, the rubble wall has been replaced by the building of bricks to speed up work. The craft of building rubble walls is done by choosing rocks of different size and shape, which are then placed gently with caution and precision on top of each other. This is very beneficial to the environment due to the fact that it stops the wind from spoiling the crops but at the same time it lets air pass through to the soil. It also serves as a habitat to various small animals, such as the Maltese wall lizard. Why are we avoiding the use of the traditional method to let in new methods which are such an eyesore?
The Hidden Helper
by Gzira St.Monica School : Julia Scerri for 11-14
dissemination(s): newspaper, other, school media, YRE Assembly
filed under Photos
We should all do our good share to keep the environment clean and help it in every way possible, by picking up litter, by promoting ways not to pollute and much more. We should all do our share without boasting, as Blaise Pascal cleverly quotes: ‘The noble deeds that are concealed are most esteemed’.
The Guilty Conscience
by Gzira St. Monical School : Julia Scerri for 11-14
dissemination(s): newspaper, other, school media, YRE Assembly
filed under Photos
“Your conscience is the measure of honesty of your selfishness. Listen to it carefully.” It is a common temptation for one to vandalise the environment by getting rid of whatever he needs to throw away anywhere he deems is comfortable for him. Our conscience however should help us to be aware of our bad doings and rethink our actions to avoid harming the environment around us.
Halt Bad Habits
by Gzira St. Monical School : Julia Scerri for 11-14
dissemination(s): newspaper, other, school media, YRE Assembly
filed under Photos
Halt Bad Habits Trying to absorb the beauty of the view but then… Why are we spoiling our environment with litter and garbage? Also, this photo clearly shows that apart from the garbage bag being thrown deliberately in the countryside road, the person concerned did not separate the waste, since orange peel and plastic can be seen in the same bag. This attitude is a lack of respect towards our environment and each other. These bad habits are leading to the depletion of our world.
Least Wanted
by Gozo College Girls Secondary School : EkoSkola Committee for 11-14
dissemination(s): Geography notice board, other, Presentation during assemblies., school magazine, website
filed under Photos
It has become a common sight to see immigrants working as waste collectors, with building contractors and similar. Jobs which are normally considered as involving hard work or are not so desireable. Why is this so? Immigrants are not people of a lesser status. The question is, are these people at least being employed as required by law? Or are they unregistered and being given less then the minimum wage or have longer working hours?
Wildlife Hostel
by Gozo College Girls Secondary School : Christine Galea for 11-14
dissemination(s): Geography notice board, other, Presentation during assemblies., school magazine, website
filed under Photos
All living things need some place to live. Unfortunately people produce a lot of waste and it can end up effecting the natural environment. In this case, this flushing dumped carelessly in Wied l-Infern, limits of Żebbuġ is an eyesore to all the hikers and drivers passing by. It’s true that small animals such as mice, rats or snakes and even insects can use this flushing as a shelter yet it will always remain an eyesore and it will stay there for years on end unless it is removed. Yet, it is worth noting that there is even worse and highly damaging litter, such as car batteries and other old or broken home appliances carelessly disposed of in abandoned fields or valleys. Humans must not be careless and should do there best to preserve the natural environment.
Metal Roots
by Gozo College Girls Secondary School : Christine Galea for 11-14
dissemination(s): Geography notice board, other, Presentation during assemblies., school magazine, website
filed under Photos
What is a water pump doing in the countryside, dumped carelessly outside a field? This pump could have been easily disposed of at the civic amenity site instead of actually dumped in the open air. Just imagine the metal pump growing roots stretching beneath and on top of the soil. This pump is just a representative of all the other dumped rubbish found in the countryside. One must consider the fact that it takes an extremely long time for this metal to deteriorate one day. People must not be careless and preserve the environment by making abiding by the 3Rs all the way.
Abjad, Iswed jew Kannella
by Maria Regina Mosta Girls Secondary : Martina for 11-14
dissemination(s): newspaper, tv
filed under Photos
Aħna ngħixu f’dinja miżgħuda b’diversita’, fejn il-karattru, l-apparenza, it-talenti u l-personalitajiet jagħmluna unċi mill-kumplament ta’ madwarna. F’pajjiż demokratiku fejn hu msemmi għal ugwaljanza u tolleranza, huwa kapaċi jaċċetta nies b’karnaġjon differenti? Il-personalita’ jew l-apparenza qed taffetwa lilna l-Maltin? Possibli qatt ma’ ltqajna ma’ nies ta’ l-istess kulur tal-ġilda li jitkellmu b’mod goff, stramb jew ikunu egoisti? Nistaw nitfaw lil kulħadd taħt l-istess keffa? Fejn huma il-valuri bħal rispett, solidarjeta’ u tolleranza? L-ingredjenti ewlenin f’soċjeta serena huma l-għaqda, il-paċi u l-aċċettazzjoni.