Compost it!
by St Edward's College : Jamie Scerri Richard, Leon Abela for 11-14
campaign: litter-less-campaign-entry
dissemination(s): school magazine, school media, website
filed under campaigning-video Video Clips video-clips
awarded: Finalist
This video was produced by Jamie Scerri Richard and features Leon Abela. These students are part of the Eko-Skola committee at SEC and they have worked on the Litter Less Campaign project for the scholastic year 2020-201 entitled – Compost It! The students used the food waste generated from the early years classes to create a compost bin at school and not contribute to food waste. This is the story of how this project went down. Video Link –
Let’s do our part to keep the Earth clean
by Naxxar Primary : Miguel Camilleri for 11-14
campaign: litter-less-campaign-entry
dissemination(s): other, School Foyer, school media, website
filed under campaigning-video Video Clips video-clips
awarded: Participation
All the Articles
- 7-10
- 11-14
- 15-18
- 19+
- Best Entry
- Participation
- 1st place Litter less Campaign
- 2nd place Litter less Campaign
- 3rd place Litter less campaign
- Honorable Mention
- YREstayshome
- 1st place international
- International Honorable Mention
- 2nd place international
- 3rd place international
- Shortlisted internationally
- Best Entry International Collaboration
- Best YREstayshome Award
- Sustainable Mobility Award
- Most active YREstayshome participant
- YREstayshome International Award
- New Category
- Disqualified
- Commended
- Finalist
- HSBC Award
- NT-FEE Award
- WasteServ Award
- WER Award
All the Photos
- 7-10
- 11-14
- 15-18
- 19+
- Best Entry
- Participation
- 1st place Litter less Campaign
- 2nd place Litter less Campaign
- 3rd place Litter less campaign
- Honorable Mention
- YREstayshome
- 1st place international
- International Honorable Mention
- 2nd place international
- 3rd place international
- Shortlisted internationally
- Best Entry International Collaboration
- Best YREstayshome Award
- Sustainable Mobility Award
- Most active YREstayshome participant
- YREstayshome International Award
- New Category
- Disqualified
- Commended
- Finalist
- HSBC Award
- NT-FEE Award
- WasteServ Award
- WER Award
All the Video Clips
- 7-10
- 11-14
- 15-18
- 19+
- Best Entry
- Participation
- 1st place Litter less Campaign
- 2nd place Litter less Campaign
- 3rd place Litter less campaign
- Honorable Mention
- YREstayshome
- 1st place international
- International Honorable Mention
- 2nd place international
- 3rd place international
- Shortlisted internationally
- Best Entry International Collaboration
- Best YREstayshome Award
- Sustainable Mobility Award
- Most active YREstayshome participant
- YREstayshome International Award
- New Category
- Disqualified
- Commended
- Finalist
- HSBC Award
- NT-FEE Award
- WasteServ Award
- WER Award