Photo 15-18 yrs 1st place National Winner: That one drop!
submitted by St Benedict College Tarxien Girls' Secondary : Shanise Micallef for 15-18
dissemination(s): Competition, school magazine
filed under Photos
For many countries, a drop of water may be meaningless. However, for arid and semi-arid countries that experience hot weather, like many places in Africa and to a lesser extent Malta, a drop of water can make the difference between life and death for many life forms. Many plants and small animals, some of them which may be very rare and near extinction manage to survive with very low amounts of water. It is thus very important not to waste and contaminate this precious resource. All of us should make an effort to save on water use!

Photo 15-18yrs 2nd place National Winner: Minn Taħt l-Irdum
submitted by St Benedict College Tarxien Girls' Secondary : Joslyn Falzon for 15-18
dissemination(s): Competition, school magazine
filed under Photos
Il-ġmiel ta’ pajjiżna ma jonqos qatt speċjalment f’dawk il-postijiet l-inqas affetwati mill-bnedmin. F’dan ir-ritratt naraw parti mill-irdumijiet li jinstabu madwar il-kosta Maltija. Anke jekk dan l-ambjent jidher pjuttost għeri, fih insibu pjanti rari bħal Widnet il-Baħar li ftit li xejn narawhom f’ambjenti oħra. Anke għasafar bħal Merill ibejjet f’dan l-ambjent. Ta’ spiss naraw turisti, kif ukoll Maltin jagħmlu xi passiġġata qrib dawn il-postijiet. Għalhekk għandna nibzgħu għall-irdumijiet billi ma nħammguhomx jew jingħataw permessi għal barrieri fil-qrib.

Photo 15-18 yrs 3rd place National Winner:Filfla Nature Reserve
submitted by St.Benedict College Girls' Secondary School Tarxien : Joslyn Falzon for 15-18
dissemination(s): other, Tourist Guide Booklet entitled A Journey to the South of Malta
filed under Photos
Filfla Nature Reserve . This photo was taken while visiting the Wied iz-Zurrieq area on a small Maltese traditional fishing boat (luzzu). It shows the island of Filfla which forms part of the Maltese archipelago. Up until 1971, Filfla served as ground for military practices. Later on, in 1988, Filfla was declared a nature reserve and access to it was strictly forbidden to preserve the flora and fauna found on the island. Some of the species found on this small island are endemic such as the Filfla wall lizard and the Maltese door-snail. Filfla is certainly a unique site for future generations to enjoy. This photograph , together with other photos, is going to be published in a tourist guide booklet entitled A Journey to the South of Malta. This booklet forms part of the school’s Entrepreneurship through Education Scheme Project 2012.

Countryside or dumping site?
submitted by G. F. Abela Junior College : Manuela Busuttil for 15-18
dissemination(s): school media
filed under Photos
Nowadays it is not easy to find time to go for a walk in the middle of Mother Nature because our lives are so fast and we prefer our TV sets instead of Mother Nature but what is the reason behind this choice? It may be that we feel safer in front of the TV sets or places far from nature because there are people that transformed parts of our country side into dumping sites. During a walk that I did few days ago in the limits of Mtarfa, I found from beer cans to car tires, from chairs to truck parts and those places where I found these items are certainly not where they should be. About all this the Mtarfa Local council was contacted and since this world is everyone world we should recycle what is recyclable and take care of our world together!

submitted by St.Benedict College Girls' Secondary School Tarxien : Edera Magro for 15-18
dissemination(s): Competition, other, school magazine
filed under Photos
Fl-istaġun tax-xitwa mhux l-ewwel darba li naraw xi nixxiegħa tal-ilma speċjalment fejn hemm it-tafal. Fejn imur dan l-ilma? Ħafna drabi l-ilma jibqa’ għaddej qalb l-għelieqi għal ġol-widien. Il-bdiewa jagħmlu użu minn dan l-ilma billi jagħmlu ilqugħ u jaħżnuh f’xi ġibjun. B’hekk il-bdiewa ikollhom l-ilma biex ikabbru l-prodotti agrikoli anke fil-ġranet sħan u xotti tas-sajf. Kemm hi mportanti dik in-nixxiegħa biex ikollna ħaxix u frott frisk is-sena kollha!

submitted by St Benedict College Tarxien Girls' Secondary : Joslyn Falzon for 15-18
dissemination(s): Competition, school magazine
filed under Photos
Il-ġmiel ta’ pajjiżna ma jonqos qatt speċjalment f’dawk il-postijiet l-inqas affetwati mill-bnedmin. F’dan ir-ritratt naraw parti mill-irdumijiet li jinstabu madwar il-kosta Maltija. Anke jekk dan l-ambjent jidher pjuttost għeri, fih insibu pjanti rari bħal Widnet il-Baħar li ftit li xejn narawhom f’ambjenti oħra. Anke għasafar bħal Merill ibejjet f’dan l-ambjent. Ta’ spiss naraw turisti, kif ukoll Maltin jagħmlu xi passigata qrib dawn il-postijiet. Għalhekk għandna nibzgħu għall-irdumijiet billi ma nħammguhomx jew jingħataw permessi għal barrieri fil-qrib.