Globus Warming
by St Martin's College : Noya Cohen Shwartz for 15-18
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): Facebook, other
filed under Campaigning photo Photos
awarded: Finalist
Global warming is the greatest threat known to humankind. Are we too late to make a change? Our ignorance and our silence are evident in our daily lives. Ice sheets and glaciers are shrinking, temperatures are rising, and species are in danger. We increase the earth’s temperature by burning fossil fuels, cutting down forests, and farming livestock. This leads to more significant amounts of greenhouse gases, increasing the greenhouse effect and global warming. According to NASA, without significant action, global temperature is on track to rise by 2.5 °C to 4.5 °C (4.5 °F to 8 °F) by 2100. Abraham Lincoln said, “You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.” Our responsibility is to do everything we can to protect and save the planet.
All the Articles
- 7-10
- 11-14
- 15-18
- 19-25
- Best Entry
- Participation
- 1st place Litter less Campaign
- 2nd place Litter less Campaign
- 3rd place Litter less campaign
- Honorable Mention
- YREstayshome
- 1st place international
- International Honorable Mention
- 2nd place international
- 3rd place international
- Shortlisted internationally
- Best Entry International Collaboration
- Best YREstayshome Award
- Sustainable Mobility Award
- Most active YREstayshome participant
- YREstayshome International Award
- New Category
- Disqualified
- Commended
- Finalist
- HSBC Award
- NT-FEE Award
- WasteServ Award
- WER Award
All the Photos
- 7-10
- 11-14
- 15-18
- 19-25
- Best Entry
- Participation
- 1st place Litter less Campaign
- 2nd place Litter less Campaign
- 3rd place Litter less campaign
- Honorable Mention
- YREstayshome
- 1st place international
- International Honorable Mention
- 2nd place international
- 3rd place international
- Shortlisted internationally
- Best Entry International Collaboration
- Best YREstayshome Award
- Sustainable Mobility Award
- Most active YREstayshome participant
- YREstayshome International Award
- New Category
- Disqualified
- Commended
- Finalist
- HSBC Award
- NT-FEE Award
- WasteServ Award
- WER Award
All the Video Clips
- 7-10
- 11-14
- 15-18
- 19-25
- Best Entry
- Participation
- 1st place Litter less Campaign
- 2nd place Litter less Campaign
- 3rd place Litter less campaign
- Honorable Mention
- YREstayshome
- 1st place international
- International Honorable Mention
- 2nd place international
- 3rd place international
- Shortlisted internationally
- Best Entry International Collaboration
- Best YREstayshome Award
- Sustainable Mobility Award
- Most active YREstayshome participant
- YREstayshome International Award
- New Category
- Disqualified
- Commended
- Finalist
- HSBC Award
- NT-FEE Award
- WasteServ Award
- WER Award