
Cat Litter

submitted by stmartinscollege : Julia Valentina Bartolo Parnis  for 15-18
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): other, website, youtube clips and photos searched online
filed under Reporting video Video Clips
awarded: Commended

This video is an eye-opener on how much a simple product like cat litter effects the environment. The video begins with a short introduction to the use of cat litter and what it is generally made of in Europe. It then goes on to explain how cat litter effects the environment around us with also a few solutions on how we can reduce this harm on the environment. The video ends with a short summary of everything said in the video. Here is the youtube link to the video.

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Making our school tuck shop greener

submitted by St Thomas More College Middle & Secondary School Zejtun : Aiden Delia, Avril Muscat, Cleavon Borg, Cressida Azzopardi, Gabriella Caruana, Leah Marie Camilleri, Liam Galea, Luca Attard, Mariah Victoria Grima, Neil Demarco, Shelley Callus  for 15-18
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): other, School Celebration Day, school magazine, school media, website
filed under Reporting video Video Clips
awarded: Best Entry

The EkoSkola committee of STMC Middle and Secondary School Zejtun carried out an environmental review of the school at the beginning of the scholastic year. They noticed that many single use disposable items were being distributed by the tuckshop, including paper bags, wooden cutlery, paper cups and plastic lids. The students decided to implement a tuckshop loyalty card system which encourages students to bring their own reusable containers, cups and cutlery from home, for which they get a stamp on their loyalty card. Once 20 stamps are collected, this is exchanged for positive points. Waste data was collected from the tuckshop supplier before and after implementing the system. Following the successful implementation of the tuckshop loyalty card system, the amount of paper bags decreased by 15%, the amount of wooden cutlery decreased by 10% and the number of cups and lids decreased by 50%, in just 4 weeks.

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Il-Karba Tas-Siġra

submitted by St Martin's College : Benjamin Spiteri, Julian Gouder  for 15-18
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): Facebook and YouTube, other
filed under Campaigning video Video Clips
awarded: Finalist

Our poem is comprised of 10 quatrain stanzas, each with verses of irregular length. In each stanza, the tree is personified and is also a synecdoche; as it represents the entirety of our environment, and the stanzas respectively tackle a different benefit given to us by trees, such as shade, fruit, and the encompassing of birds and other wildlife. In addition, all stanzas make sure to ask Why?, and Did you forget? this is in order to evoke a feeling of guilt, and sympathy, although the opening stanza essentially summarizes all of the trees’ points and messages, in order to avoid beating around the Bush and getting the point. In the final 2 stanzas; the tone of the poem takes a pivotal shift, as this time the tree is offering a humble solution to the problems faced, which is to make peace with nature rather than destroy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEhRI0YD3us

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WEEE Recycled

submitted by St Nicholas College Secondary School Ħad-Dingli : Amy Smith, Antonia Ciappara, Claire Marie Bugeja, Elizabeth Mizzi, Emily Camilleri, Faith Bondin, Jay Agius, John Mizzi, Lisa Aquilina  for 15-18
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): school media
filed under Reporting video Video Clips
awarded: Finalist

WEEE – Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment – is one of the five most hoarded items in people’s homes. Millions of WEEE are also dumped every day around the world. Few people are aware of the precious minerals used to make up these gadgets which are also lost when these gadgets are discarded. This video focuses on the environmental issues brought about by WEEE and aims to make people aware of the importance of disposing of electrical and electronic equipment responsibly for a sustainable lifestyle. A short video created by the students of St Nicholas College – Secondary School Dingli available on  

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