
Sign of (in)humanity

submitted by Private Candidates : Aidan Gauci, Marie Therese Pavia  for 19-25
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): other, Personal Social Media (Facebook)
filed under Photos Reporting photo

It is about time that we look back onto our footprints and reconsider the path that we are taking. Is it possible to reverse things back to the way they were? Or we just have to keep moving forward?

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Walk on foot

submitted by Private Candidates : Aidan Gauci, Marie Therese Pavia  for 19-25
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): other, Personal Social Media
filed under Photos Reporting photo

Shall this be our new rule in nature? Should we simply walk on foot to enjoy it, and leave the natural environment in its original state? Or are we walking on foot just to sign the paperwork?

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Alien Species

submitted by Private Candidates : Aidan Gauci, Marie Therese Pavia  for 19-25
campaign: yre-entry
dissemination(s): other, Social Media (Facebook)
filed under Photos reporting-photo
awarded: Commended

Who is the alien species? The prickly pear introduced from the Americas, the graffiti, or humans responsible for their presence? We were meant to be stewards of “our common home” the Earth but have unfortunately often failed miserably in this role.

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Looming Threat

submitted by Private Candidates : Aidan Gauci, Marie Therese Pavia  for 19-25
campaign: yre-entry
dissemination(s): other, Social Media (Facebook)
filed under Photos reporting-photo
awarded: Finalist

A block of flats looms over traditional buildings representing age old crafts and trades. Our country is caught in a tug of war of over development against environment and heritage. It is up to us where the balance will tip.

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Path to Destruction

submitted by Private Candidates : Aidan Gauci, Marie Therese Pavia  for 19-25
campaign: yre-entry
dissemination(s): other, Social Media (Facebook)
filed under Photos reporting-photo
awarded: Commended

Encroaching buildings threaten to wipe out typical Maltese scenery rich in biodiversity and tradition. Are we ready to take action before it is too late?

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Soil…. an essential natural resource

submitted by G.F Abela Junior College University of Malta : Aidan Gauci, Marie Therese Pavia  for 19-25
campaign: yre-entry
dissemination(s): newspaper, school media, tv, website
filed under reporting-video video-clips
awarded: Best Entry, Finalist

Soil is an essential resource to which many do not give much thought. It can take thousands of years to form and is fundamental, directly and indirectly, to several United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Unfortunately, in our country, it is increasingly under threat. This video about soil in Malta was produced by Marie Therese Pavia and Aidan Gauci (University of Malta, Ġ.F Abela Junior College) as part of the Young Reporters for the Environment competition 2020. It investigates issues related to local soil so as to raise awareness and knowledge about this vital natural resource. The following is the link of the video:    

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Planting seeds in recycled cups

submitted by G F Abela Junior College Msida : Abigail Attard  for 19-25
campaign: litter-less-campaign-entry
dissemination(s): Insta / FB, other, school magazine, school media
filed under campaigning-photo Photos
awarded: Commended

Over the past few months, I have been helping a group of people with special needs by doing activities, every Friday evening. Our meeting place is provided by the parish chaplain. Amongst the many activities, I have decided to grow local oak trees, by re-using ice-cream cups, therefore teaching the people with special needs, the importance of trees, and how to re-use our waste food containers, rather than throwing them for recycling.

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Sustainable Tourism: is it possible?

submitted by IES Aguas Vivas MCAST Malta : Carlo Musco, Miguel Rojo Torres, Ruben Del Rio Valtueña  for 19-25
campaign: litter-less-campaign-entry
dissemination(s): other, school media, Social Media
filed under Best entry international collaboration reporting-video video-clips
awarded: 1st place international, Best Entry International Collaboration

Does tourism affect the rate of waste generation? Through this creative collaboration between Malta and Spain, we explored how both countries fight waste issues in order to strive for a sustainable future.

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Still Waiting to be Built Up

submitted by Maria Regina College Dun Manwel Attard Young Adult Education Resource Centre : Justin Cassar  for 19-25
campaign: yre-entry
dissemination(s): Facebook, noticeboard, other, school media, website
filed under Photos reporting-photo
awarded: Commended

Caring for our environment and respecting the countryside is vital in enriching green areas and allowing them to flourish. Rubble walls create a healthy habitat for a number of species, while helping maintain rich soil structures.

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Standing Tall

submitted by Dun Manwel Attard Young Adult Education Resource Centre Maria Regina College : Justin Cassar  for 19-25
campaign: yre-entry
dissemination(s): Facebook and Noticeboard, other, school media, website
filed under Photos reporting-photo
awarded: 2nd place Litter less Campaign

Lessening our demand as well as the impact of our development on the environment requires reducing the use of products that cannot be recycled and investing more in reusable items.

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