Skart Goff fil-Kampanja
by Gozo College Sannat Primary and Special Unit : Amy Portelli, Margerita Attard for 7-10
dissemination(s): assembly, notice board, other
filed under Photos
L-iskart li jintefgħa fil-kampanja jibqa’ hemm u jagħti dehra kerha lill-ambjent sabiħ ta’ Ghawdex. Hawnhekk insibu skart goff forma ta’ vaska li setgħet tiġi mormija b’xejn fis-Civic Amenity Site.
Things to think about…
by Gozo College Sannat Primary and Special Unit : Joseph Sciberras for 7-10
dissemination(s): assembly, notice board, other
filed under Photos
Do you take walks in the countryside? Isn’t it beautiful? But there are ugly things to see too? Think a little bit about what you can do…
by Gozo College Sannat Primary and Special Unit : Joseph Sciberras, Mar Shaun Cauchi for 7-10
dissemination(s): assembly, notice board, other
filed under Photos
Wiċċ ta’ zona fil-kampanja Għawdxija fejn kważi m’hemm xejn, la pjanti, la arbuxelli u lanqas ġebel, sabiex in-nassaba jkunu jistgħu jpoġġu x-xbiek biex jaqbdu għasafar uħud protetti. Dan mhux sew!
Il-Barrieri tad-Dwejra
by Gozo College Sannat Primary and Special Unit : Lucas Said, Ylenia Said for 7-10
dissemination(s): assembly, notice board, other
filed under Photos
Kemm hi sabiħa il-veduta fid-Dwejra! Imma l-barriera kerha wisq…
Hunting in Gozo
by Gozo College Sannat Primary and Special Unit : Amy Saliba, Maarika Xuereb for 7-10
dissemination(s): assembly, notice board, other
filed under Photos
The hunters’ hides ruin our beautiful countryside.
L-iskart fil-kampanja sabiħa tad-Dwejra
by Gozo College Sannat Primary and Special Unit : Heni Abushakra, Sheridan Spiteri for 7-10
dissemination(s): noticeboard, other
filed under Photos
Aħna irridu nieħdu ħsieb l-ambjent Għawdxi u ma narmu ebda tip ta’ skart, speċjalment plastik, għax tista’ tgħid ma jispiċċa qatt.
Protecting Dwejra
by Gozo College Rabat Primary : EkoSkola Committee for 7-10
dissemination(s): Noticeboards, other, school magazine, school media
filed under Photos
Dwejra is a Natura 2000 site but unfortunately it is a very popular littering site. Walking down to Dwejra from San Lawrenz village thorugh the old path there are heaps of various sizes of rubble, debris, broken tiles and waste every few steps. It is a good thing that Fungus Rock is protected and it is illegal to go on it because at this rate it would end up as a dump site as well.
Kaċċa fid-Dwejra
by Gozo College Rabat Primary : EkoSkola Committee for 7-10
dissemination(s): Noticeboards, other, school magazine
filed under Photos
Wara li l-iskola tgħallimt dwar pjanti endemici u indiġeni ta’ Malta, ridt immur mixja fid-Dwejra biex nara ftit mil-pjanti li semmejna, speċjalment is-Sempreviva ta’ Għawdex li tikber fil-blat hemmek. Ħadt gost li għaraft is-Sempreviva, il-Ġiżi ta’ Malta u t-Tengħud tax-Xagħri imma sibna ukoll pjanti aljeni li qed jagħmlu ħafna ħsara u anke hafna kmamar żgħar li jintużaw mill-kaċċaturi biex flok jilqgħu l-għasafar għajjiena li jieqfu jistrieħu Għawdex meta jkunu jpassu jisparawlhom biex iżiduhom mal-kollezzjoni tagħhom ta’ għasafar ibbalzmati. Dan għaliex??
Hide and Seek
by Gozo College Rabat Primary : Anthea Xiberras for 7-10
dissemination(s): other, Presentation, school magazine, school media
filed under Photos
An empty beer bottle rests on a bed of bougainvillea flowers. If it is not removed by someone who cares for the environment, it will stay there forever. Do people know how big is the damage done by littering?