Best Entry
Human Trafficking- A New Harrowing Reality
by Saint Francis Secondary School Sliema : Naomi Farrugia, Rebekkah Marmara’ Gafa’ for 11-14
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): newspaper, other, School notice board, website
filed under Articles
awarded: Best Entry
Unfortunately, we are living in a world where human trafficking is very common, and people, especially females, are being sold for cheap labour or forced to work in the sex industry. This is a form of human slavery, and, according to the FBI, is ‘believed to be the third largest criminal activity in the world’. The aim of this study is to determine whether Maltese people are aware of this reality in Malta.
St. Margaret College Senior Secondary School students research poverty in Uganda while proposing practical solutions to Missio Malta in aid of Uganda.
by St Margaret College Secondary School Verdala Cospicua : Aiden Brignone, Nessim Islam DOB: for 15-18
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): Magazine Tfal Missjunarji; School display, newspaper, other, school magazine
filed under Articles
awarded: Best Entry
Every year Missio Malta raises a charity fund campaign in aid of a particular mission project in a poor country round the world. This year the charity fund campaign is in aid of Catholic clinics in Uganda so they can be able to buy ambulances to save as many patients as possible especially to treat pregnant women on time. A group of fifth formers at St. Margaret College Senior Secondary School were invited by their teacher Martin Azzopardi sdc to research poverty in Uganda while proposing practical solutions to Missio Malta in aid of this country.
All the Articles
- 7-10
- 11-14
- 15-18
- 19+
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- 1st place Litter less Campaign
- 2nd place Litter less Campaign
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- 7-10
- 11-14
- 15-18
- 19+
- Best Entry
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- 1st place Litter less Campaign
- 2nd place Litter less Campaign
- 3rd place Litter less campaign
- Honorable Mention
- YREstayshome
- 1st place international
- International Honorable Mention
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- Best Entry International Collaboration
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- YREstayshome International Award
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- HSBC Award
- NT-FEE Award
- WasteServ Award
- WER Award
All the Video Clips
- 7-10
- 11-14
- 15-18
- 19+
- Best Entry
- Participation
- 1st place Litter less Campaign
- 2nd place Litter less Campaign
- 3rd place Litter less campaign
- Honorable Mention
- YREstayshome
- 1st place international
- International Honorable Mention
- 2nd place international
- 3rd place international
- Shortlisted internationally
- Best Entry International Collaboration
- Best YREstayshome Award
- Sustainable Mobility Award
- Most active YREstayshome participant
- YREstayshome International Award
- New Category
- Disqualified
- Commended
- Finalist
- HSBC Award
- NT-FEE Award
- WasteServ Award
- WER Award