L-Iskola u l-Ambjent
by Xewkija Primary : Cristina Falzon for 7-10
campaign: yre-entry
dissemination(s): school magazine, school media
filed under Articles
awarded: Finalist
Tajjeb li wieħed jitgħallem x’jista’ jagħmel biex jgħix ħajja iktar sostenibbli. Hem ħafna modi. Din is-sena l-iskola kollha flimkien mal-komunita, ħadmet ħafna biex biex niskopru modi ġodda ta’ affarijiet x’jistgħu isiru u li bi ftit sforz kapaċi jagħmilhom kulġħadd.
How to save our lives!
by Naxxar Primary : Jacob Grech Mallia for 7-10
campaign: litter-less-campaign-entry
dissemination(s): school media, website
filed under Articles
awarded: Commended
Littering in Malta is a big problem and is continuing to harm our environment. Results in Malta show that only 1% of plastic waste is recycled. We need keep clean! If everybody does his part there would be no sickness and the streets would be cleaner.
Don`t Trash Our Future!
by Naxxar Primary : Yasmine Galea for 7-10
campaign: litter-less-campaign-entry
dissemination(s): school media, website
filed under Articles
awarded: Participation
Littering? You Think You’re So Cool? Did You Know That If You Keep Littering The Whole World Will Be Filled With Trash By 2025?
Street and marine litter in Malta
by Naxxar Primary School : Mariah Mizzi Abela for 7-10
campaign: litter-less-campaign-entry
dissemination(s): school media, website
filed under Articles
awarded: Participation
Introduction: Littering in Malta is just getting worse. It’s like a disease which continues to harm our environment. Results in Malta show that only 1%of plastic waste is recycling Malta.
Stop Littering, Save the Earth!
by Naxxar Primary School : Kaia Attard for 7-10
campaign: litter-less-campaign-entry
dissemination(s): school media, website
filed under Articles
awarded: Participation
Introduction: The problem of littering in Malta is bad and is harming our environment. Results in Malta show that only 1% of plastic waste is recycled.
by Naxxar Primary School : Michela Abela for 7-10
campaign: litter-less-campaign-entry
dissemination(s): school media, website
filed under Articles
awarded: Participation
Introduction: Littering in Malta is increasing by weeks, maybe days. This effect on the environment will be unremarkable. What is street littering? Street littering is when a person throws junk like: plastic bottles, glass, cans etc.
Don’t be bitter – Stop this litter!
by Naxxar Primary : Katrina Degiorgio for 7-10
campaign: litter-less-campaign-entry
dissemination(s): school media, website
filed under Articles
awarded: Participation
Littering is throwing away what we do not need improperly. Litter looks awful, however worse than that it is harmful to the environment. It spreads unwanted diseases, cause injuries and endangers the ecosystem especially when litter is washed into the sea.
by Naxxar Primary : Jayden Sammut for 7-10
campaign: litter-less-campaign-entry
dissemination(s): school magazine, school media
filed under Articles
awarded: Commended
Littering in Malta is a disease which continues to harm the environment. Littering ranges from the road side plastic bottles to the overflowing dustbins.
When will we decide to make Malta a cleaner place?
by Naxxar Primary : Hailey Chetcuti for 7-10
campaign: litter-less-campaign-entry
dissemination(s): school media, website
filed under Articles
awarded: Commended
Results of European survey shockingly reveal that only 1% of waste and litter in Malta is recycled. This littering problem is a disease which will continue to destroy our environment
Litter Litter Litter!
by Naxxar Primary : Denzel Muscat for 7-10
campaign: litter-less-campaign-entry
dissemination(s): school media, website
filed under Articles
awarded: Commended
Results of European survey shockingly reveal that only 1% of plastic in Malta is recycled. To make matters worse, 60% of water pollution is attributed to litter. Littering is caused by people’s laziness and careless.