
Tea Treasure

submitted by Dun Manwel Attard Young Adult Education Resource Centre Maria Regina College : Ryan Borg  for 19-25
dissemination(s): other, Our Resource Centre Facebook Page, website
filed under Photos

Tea bags are good for composting since they enrich the soil for healthier plants to grow. They add a nitrogen-rich component to the soil and help in balancing the carbon-rich materials found in compost. Thus, these enhance drainage and maintain moisture, promote earthworms, increase oxygen levels and keep the soil structure steady.

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The Traveller

submitted by Dun Manwel Attard Young Adult Education Resource Centre Maria Regina College : Malik Hussein  for 19-25
dissemination(s): other, Our Resource Centre Facebook Page, website
filed under Photos
awarded: 1st place Litter less Campaign

Marine litter is one of the major problems related to litter in general. This bottle, which was left on the sand, is going to end up in the sea and carried away. Plastic takes ages to disintegrate, therefore, it is affecting all animals badly since animals can easily mistake it with another animal or food. Plastic releases a lot of chemicals in the sea which affects all animals. Animals taking in poisonous chemicals eventually end up in our system once we eat such animals.

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Dos ‘n Don’ts

submitted by Dun Manwel Attard Young Adult Education Resource Centre Maria Regina College : Malik Hussein  for 19-25
dissemination(s): other, Our Resource Centre Facebook Page, website
filed under Photos

Very often people make use of disposable cutlery, plates and cups when going on a picnic or having a BBQ for the sake of convenience. This leads to an increase in waste which can be reduced if reusable cutlery and crockery are utilised.

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Pick Me I’m Famous!

submitted by Dun Manwel Attard Young Adult Education Resource Centre Maria Regina College : Kelly Ciappara  for 19-25
dissemination(s): other, Our Resource Centre Facebook Page, website
filed under Photos

This highly consumed product was found lying on the ground in the countryside instead of being disposed of responsibly in the recycling bin. Since it has a low carbon footprint and is made up of renewable resources, this product can be easily recycled.

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Tug of War

submitted by Dun Manwel Attard Young Adult Education Resource Centre Maria Regina College : Jai Pradhan  for 19-25
dissemination(s): other, Our Resource Centre Facebook Page, website
filed under Photos

This photo illustrates the battle between the human race and waste. Whilst nature lovers are struggling with the huge problem of waste, others are continuously contributing to it thus lacking respect towards nature.

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Gone and Forgotten

submitted by Dun Manwel Attard Young Adult Education Resource Centre Maria Regina College : Jai Pradhan  for 19-25
dissemination(s): other, Our Resource Centre Facebook Page, website
filed under Photos

A number of garbage bags together with a broken chair were dumped in the natural environment. People find it more convenient to leave waste behind after a picnic or a BBQ rather than depositing it in bins. Such waste is an eyesore to all by-passers as well as creating environmental hazards. Moreover people could have used reusable picnic items instead of disposable ones in order to reduce waste.

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submitted by Dun Manwel Attard Young Adult Education Resource Centre Maria Regina College : Harrison Bugeja  for 19-25
dissemination(s): other, Our Resource Centre Facebook Page, website
filed under Photos

The economy is investing in new and high rise buildings instead of refurbishing older buildings. Money is given more importance than natural resources.

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Pollinating Pollution!

submitted by Dun Manwel Attard Young Adult Education Resource Centre Maria Regina College : Gabriel Zarb  for 19-25
dissemination(s): other, Our Resource Centre Facebook Page, website
filed under Photos

Waste left in the countryside is disrupting nature’s delicate balance. The overconsumption of highly processed foods is as damaging to humans as it can be to our environment.

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Let Me Grow! Let Me Breathe!

submitted by Dun Manwel Attard Young Adult Education Resource Centre Maria Regina College : Chiara Sciortino  for 19-25
dissemination(s): other, Our Resource Centre Facebook Page, website
filed under Photos

Plastic is stunting the tree’s growth and while the children are playing, they are not enjoying the beautiful environment. Plastic discarded carelessly can end up damaging our ecosystem.

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Souvenirs from Mother Nature?

submitted by Dun Manwel Attard Young Adult Education Resource Centre Maria Regina College : Chiara Sciortino  for 19-25
dissemination(s): other, Our Resource Centre Facebook Page, website
filed under Photos

A lot of waste items tend to be discarded in the countryside. Instead of being embellished with flowers and bushes, the countryside is often tainted with toxic litter. Unable to savour the countryside for its natural beauty, one ends up leaving with ugly snapshots of human litter.

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