Green Patch
submitted by Dun Manwel Attard - Wardija Young Adult Resource Centre for 19-25
filed under Photos
If possible keep a garden patch. Flowers are beautiful. Beans a good choice!
Wrapped Up
submitted by Dun Manwel Attard - Wardija Young Adult Resource Centre : Sherica Asare for 19-25
dissemination(s): school media
filed under Photos
This wrapper found itself in the grass. Litter is a big problem and most of it lasts and lasts. Plastic take up to 20 years to degrade.
submitted by Dun Manwel Attard - Wardija Young Adult Resource Centre : Marisa Zammit for 19-25
dissemination(s): school media
filed under Photos
The photo shown a plastic bag isolated in the soil. Litter costs taxpayers many money to clear the streets and public parks. The boom in litter means a boom in the rat population too.
Wasting Waters
submitted by Dun Manwel Attard - Wardija Young Adult Resource Centre : Brian Tonna for 19-25
dissemination(s): school media
filed under Photos
The rain water has no reservoir where to go and is therefore being wasted. Most of Malta’s rainwater runs straight to the sea and goes to waste. Instead of letting rainwater flow off roofs and yards and be wasted we can look at ways to capture and re-use it.
Rusty and Busty
submitted by Dun Manwel Attard - Wardija Young Adult Resource Centre : Chris Debono for 19-25
dissemination(s): school media
filed under Photos
This rusty tank was found in the middle of the country side. Many tanks are found abandoned in the countryside and even the 45 gallon tanks are used as fences and are a very bad eyesore to the environment. Metal should also be disposed in the proper bin and recycled. Recycling metal items from our waste is an excellent way to save energy and help reduce the waste piles and conserve limited landfill space.
Reaching the Sky
submitted by Dun Manwel Attard - Wardija Young Adult Resource Centre : James Cachia for 19-25
dissemination(s): school media
filed under Photos
Fascinated by the long bamboo wood reaching the sky.
Relight my Fire
submitted by Dun Manwel Attard - Wardija Young Adult Resource Centre : Warren Cordina for 19-25
dissemination(s): school media
filed under Photos
The cigarette lighter was found in the middle of the soil. Most of the cigarette filters and lighters have been dropped wrongly and smokers just throw them away when walking in the countryside or in fields. Many farmers nearly 95% have been forced to clear other people’s rubbish from their land.
I want to break free
submitted by Dun Manwel Attard - Wardija Young Adult Resource Centre : Christian Abela for 19-25
dissemination(s): school media
filed under Photos
The chickens are asking the photographer if they can break away from the cage and run free. These birds are by far the most abused type of animal, a lot are being killed for their meat and languish in tiny gages producing eggs. These birds suffer also from severe physical problems brought on by genetic manipulation to produce more eggs and have more meat.
I’m Suffocating
submitted by Dun Manwel Attard - Wardija Young Adult Resource Centre : Matthew Lebrun for 19-25
dissemination(s): school media
filed under Photos
The photo shows tape surrounding a green wild plant. Students are conscious about the litter being thrown here and there and it shows that it can be carried away with the wind and harm other parts of the environment.
I cannot dry too
submitted by Dun Manwel Attard - Wardija Young Adult Resource Centre : Emanuel Camilleri for 19-25
dissemination(s): school media
filed under Photos
The photo shows a plastic flower in the middle of drying leaves and branches.