The Power of TreeStudents – Video
submitted by St Francis Primary Cospicua : The Forest Team for 7-10
dissemination(s): in all classrooms, other, website
filed under Video Clips
Throughout these last years many trees have been destroyed on our island, some of them by human beings capriciously either to make way for development or for various reasons, while others by harmful insects. Destroying trees for any particular reason makes us children at St. Francis School Cospicua – so sad. So we decided to take action! Thus, in November, after having relevant advice from the Environmental Officer at ‘PARKs’ Malta, we planted seeds at our school. We took good care of them by cultivating and watering them when it was needed, followed their growth process and thus, we can say that in our greenhouse, seeds grew up in hundreds of beautiful plants. Recently, these plants were donated to the ‘PARKs’ Malta where they will also be taken care of and in turn they will be distributed around our Island.
Flimkien Għal Ambjent Aħjar
submitted by St Francis Primary Cospicua : EkoSkola Committee for 7-10
dissemination(s): In the classrooms, other, website
filed under Video Clips
The students are being made aware about waste reduction and the quantity of waste around us, thus, we are instilling our students a strong sense of wanting to leave the world a better place by reducing the quantity of waste. Therefore, they are bringing their lunch in a lunch box together with a drinking flask instead of a bottle of water and a cloth napkin. In doing so, in each and every classroom waste is considerably reduced. We totally have eliminated all the wrappings for our lunches. Besides this, to enhance the importance of waste minimisation this activity was followed by collected thousands of bottle caps from the students’ homes and their neighbours. These later were donated to charity.
Kuxjenza Ambjentali – Flimkien biex innaqsu l-konsum tal-iskart
submitted by St Francis Primary Cospicua : EkoSkola Committee for 7-10
dissemination(s): In the classrooms, other, website
filed under Video Clips
Throughout the past years we used to bring the plastic water bottles to drink from during lunch time and when the need arises. This was done until we realised that we are harming our environment as we were consuming too much waste. So we decided that everyone should bring a flask instead of a plastic water bottle. This flask can be used and reused over and over again. Thus head of school took the initiative to install a ‘home reverse osmosis’ system so that we will be able to drink tap water. A water tap has been installed in one of the school yards so that we will be able to drink during lunch time and whenever we like. By taking this initiative we are reducing the amount of waste.
Azzjonijiet Prattiċi Favur L-Ambjent
submitted by St Francis Primary Cospicua : EkoSkola Committee for 7-10
dissemination(s): In the classrooms, other, website
filed under Video Clips
Kontu tafu li aħna wieħed mill-pajjiżi Ewropej li niġġeneraw ammont mhux ħażin ta’ skart? Kull persuna awtomatikament tiġġenera ammont ta’ skart kukjum. Dan l-iskart jintbagħad il-‘landfill’ li din dejjem qed tiżdied. Dan ma jfissirx li mhux qed jiġu implimentati programmi għat-tnaqqis tal-iskart, anzi f’dawn l-aħħar snin il-pajjiż tagħna għamel ħafna kambjanet għall-aħjar f’dan il-qasam. Aħna t-tfal konxji ħafna ta’ dan u ġewwa l-iskola tagħna naħdmu flimkien sabiex dan l-ammont li aħna niġġeneraw nippruvaw innaqsuh. Flimkien matul is-sena nimplimentaw diversi attivitajiet li bihom nkunu nistgħu nagħmlu dan. Dan isir flmkien bħala komunita’ tal-iskola kif ukoll magħna ijipparteċipaw ukoll il-ġenituri tagħna, u xi nies oħra tal-lokal. Dan nagħmluh għaliex dak li nitgħallmu aħna nippruvaw ngħadduh lil ħaddieħor f’azzjonijiet prattiċi ta’ kuljum sabiex inħarsu dejjem aktar l-ambjent ta’ madwarna.
Earth Hour
submitted by Qormi San Gorg : EoSkola Committee for 7-10
dissemination(s): school media, website
filed under Video Clips
As part of the Earth Hour initiative, at Qormi San Ġorġ we switched off the lights for one hour and took part in several activities. We gathered together in the playground to create the shape of Earth and the words ‘Earth Hour’ using cloth, cones and students. During that hour we were also involved in classroom activities related to pollution. Click on this link to watch our video clip: