Solar Bulb
by G.F Abela Junior College University of Malta : Marie Therese Pavia for 15-18
campaign: yre-entry
dissemination(s): newspaper, school media, tv, website
filed under campaigning-photo Photos
awarded: Best Entry, Finalist
An ordinary bulb lit by the setting sun and power lines in the background recall the urgent need to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and invest more in solar energy sources. A sustainable future depends highly on renewable energy sources.
Distorted Perspective. Can we keep on turning our back on the marine plastic pandemic?
by G.F Abela Junior College University of Malta : Marie Therese Pavia for 15-18
campaign: litter-less-campaign-entry
dissemination(s): newspaper, school media, tv, website
filed under Photos reporting-photo
awarded: 3rd place Litter less campaign, Finalist
Whilst admiring the beauty of mother nature, we cannot keep on ignoring the plastic polluting it. Plastic washed ashore on our beaches is just the tip of the iceberg… much more lies in the seas and cannot be seen. But its poisoning effect on the seas and on each one of us can still be perceived.
If you won’t do this to me, then why do you do this to my future?
by St. Albert the Great College : Charlette Saliba for 7-10
campaign: litter-less-campaign-entry
dissemination(s): school media
filed under campaigning-photo Photos
awarded: 1st place Litter less Campaign, Finalist
Bench with a View
by St Edward's College : St Edward's Eko-Skola Committee for 11-14
campaign: litter-less-campaign-entry
dissemination(s): other, Social Media, website
filed under Photos reporting-photo
awarded: 1st place Litter less Campaign, Finalist, International Honorable Mention
Strolling around St Thomas Bay in Marsascala is a treat. But what is the view from this bench? After the weekend, near this bench all you could see was rubbish! Pizza box, wrappers, beer cans and soft drink bottles. Why? The Maltese should be ‘staying home’ but some people are still going out and eating their ‘take-aways’ out in the fresh air. What they are NOT doing is disposing of their litter properly! All that rubbish can easily blow away in the sea! The disgrace of it all? The Marsaskala Local Council have installed bins near EVERY BENCH! As you can see from the last photo, there are bins everywhere so there is NO excuse not to dispose of the waste properly! Thumbs Up for the Local Council of Marsascala! Thumbs Down to the public who have forgotten how to use bins during this pandemic!
Shift to Glass
by ALP Paola : Naomi Farrugia for 15-18
campaign: litter-less-campaign-entry
dissemination(s): school media
filed under campaigning-photo Photos
awarded: 1st place Litter less Campaign, Finalist, International Honorable Mention
Our time is running out, let’s reduce the amount of plastic that we use.
Have we become too dependent on plastic to realise the situation is becoming suffocating?
by St Benedict College Middle School Kirkop : EkoSkola Committee for 11-14
campaign: litter-less-campaign-entry
dissemination(s): newspaper, school magazine, school media, website
filed under campaigning-photo Photos
awarded: 2nd place Litter less Campaign, Finalist
Fighting for survival…is the environment worth fighting for?
by St Benedict College Middle School Kirkop : EkoSkola Committee for 11-14
campaign: litter-less-campaign-entry
dissemination(s): newspaper, school magazine, school media, website
filed under Photos reporting-photo
awarded: Best Entry, Commended, Finalist
Shift to Glass
by ALP Paola : Liam Cremona for 15-18
campaign: litter-less-campaign-entry
dissemination(s): school media
filed under campaigning-photo Photos
awarded: 2nd place Litter less Campaign, Best YREstayshome Award, Finalist, YREstayshome International Award
People look in a mirror to see a desired reflection of themselves. The plastic bottle is looking at the mirror knowing that the right choice is being reflected back as a glass bottle.
The orange bloom
by Our Lady Immaculate School : Emma Brownrigg Fenech for 11-14
campaign: yre-entry
dissemination(s): website
filed under Photos reporting-photo
awarded: Finalist, Honorable Mention, YREstayshome
Time spent amongst flowers is never time wasted. The importance of green spaces in the urbanised areas, especially during this current situation of COVID-19, which helps in the overall wellbeing of humans.
A new species of palm tree?
by St Augustine College : Benjamin Borg for 11-14
campaign: yre-entry
dissemination(s): newspaper, school magazine, school media
filed under Photos reporting-photo
awarded: Commended, Finalist, Honorable Mention
Rising over the Maltese skyline is a new species of palm tree hovering above buildings and people. Is this is an endemic species or a pandemic of construction fever?