A dolphin’s cry
submitted by Lija Balzan Iklin Primary : Katrina Pace Sammut for 7-10
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): school media
filed under Articles
awarded: Participation
A long time ago, there were three siblings who were dolphins. Their names were Bubble, Star and Ocean. After losing their parents due to water pollution, that was the last straw so they set off on a mission to end this pollution. This however was a very long swim.
On A Mission To Stop Water Pollution
submitted by Lija Balzan Iklin Primary School : Keira Lily Moore for 7-10
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): school media
filed under Articles
awarded: Participation
What would happen if water pollution kept on going? Would sea animals keep on dying? Well we are about to find out. There was once a group of sea animals at the bottom of the ocean, there was a turtle, a dolphin, a seahorse and a catfish.
Jien Bebbuxu
submitted by Lija Balzan Iklin Primary : Leah Pace for 7-10
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): school media
filed under Articles
awarded: Participation
Jien bebbuxu Leah Pace Yr 5.1 Ċkejken, fraġli, diskużtanti, jaqq – dawn huma xi ftit mil-affarijiet li jsejjaħli meta jarani lbniedem. Nipprova ma ndejjaq lil ħadd. Storbju ma ngħamilx. L’hena tiegħi nintefa’ wara xi ħajt għad-dell, noqgħod għall-kwiet, protett, rillasat. Ħerqan nistenna x-xita niżla sabiex inkun nista’ niekol ikla ħaxix tajba u nirriproduċi. L’hena tiegħi niżżerżaq mal-ilma tax-xita fil-widien. Tlift ħafna mil-ħbieb tiegħi avolja nippruvaw ma ndejjqu lil ħadd. Min jipprova jixxutjana bħal ballun, min jipprova jgħaffiġna b’saqajh, min jgħaffiġna b’xi karozza, min jiġborna biex issajarna u dan l-aħħar sirna nsibu iktar ħmieġ u plastic flambjent tagħna. Mhux l-ewwel darba li xi wieħed minnha jeħel f’xi borża jew tazza tal-plastic! Sirna ngħixu f’ħajja vera perikoluża. Tgħallimt li fil-ħajja m’għandek taqta’ qalbek qatt. Bil-kalma u bil-mod tasal fejn għandek tasal. Basta ma tibżax u ma tħalli lil ħadd iwaqqfek. Għalhekk minn hawn ngħalaq billi ngħidlek, tarmix barra, ibża aktar għal ambjent, ibża għalina, u jekk tara xi borża, flixkun jew tazza tal-plastic fil-kampanja jew fil-wied, iġborha u tkun qed tgħin lilna u l-annimali kollha li jgħixu hawn barra.
Don’t trash where we splash
submitted by Primary School Xewkija : Noella Azzopardi for 7-10
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): school media
filed under Articles
awarded: Participation
Victims of pollution
submitted by Primary School Xewkija : Jake Bugeja for 7-10
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): school media
filed under Articles
awarded: Participation
Skart mormi fit-triq
submitted by Primary School Xewkija : Noella Azzopardi for 7-10
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): school media
filed under Articles
awarded: Participation
Nature in Gozo
submitted by Xewkija Primary School : Elena Bugeja, Mario Zerafa for 7-10
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): school media
filed under Articles
awarded: Commended
Scented Sky
submitted by De La Salle College Junior School : Eli Mitchell Micallef for 7-10
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): Instagram, newspaper, other, school magazine, school media, website
filed under Articles
awarded: Honorable Mention
Pollution is one of the planet and humanity’s worst enemies. Together we can contribute to have better air quality, and give more importance to tree planting to improve the quality of air and take it more seriously. Air pollution is not a joke. Air pollution will make you choke. #pollutionsolution
The global warning and its effects towards the environment
submitted by MRC NAXXAR PRIMARY : Julia Vella for 7-10
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): school media, website
filed under Articles
awarded: Participation
One of the biggest problem in the world is the environmental issue. It will effect us in many ways and as years pass by the problem is getting worse. What are these environmental issues? And what can we do for the environment?
Marine Litter and Pollution
submitted by MRC NAXXAR PRIMARY : Maya Abela for 7-10
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): school magazine, school media
filed under Articles
awarded: Participation
Dolphins, fish, whales, and turtles perish every year as a result of ingesting plastic or being entangled in it. What should be done?