A whole school apporach fot The We Eat Responsibly Project
by St Francis Primary Cospicua : EkoSkola Committee for 7-10
dissemination(s): website,school media,other,youtube
filed under Video Clips
The video clip features some actions related to the action plan for the WER project. These actions changed our ideas which we had before we started the project and we also tried to change the ideas of the school community about it. All school students were involved as some actions were for all the school community including parents, menial staff SMT and more.
Waste Minimisation, Organic waste and reusing
by St Francis Primary Cospicua : EkoSkola Committee for 7-10
dissemination(s): website,school media,other,youtube
filed under Video Clips
This video clip features some actions related to waste minimisation, organic waste project and reusing that were done throughout the scholastic year. Besides the separation of waste, organis waste is also being separated everyday in the classrooms.
Actions or sustainable development
by St Francis Primary Cospicua : EkoSkola Committee for 7-10
dissemination(s): website,school media,other,youtube
filed under Video Clips
This videos clip features some of the actions about sustainable development that were held throughout this scholastic year.
Is-Sempreviva t’Għawdex
by Gozo College Gharb Primary School : Cassar Anaya, Depasquale Damian, Grima Christon, Muscat Lizamarie, Parnis Gabriel, Sacco Malcolm, Saliba Haley. for 7-10
dissemination(s): Gharb Local Council facebook page, Gharb Primary School Facebook page, other, school media, website, You tube
filed under Video Clips
Dan l-aħħar, id-Dwejra t’Għawdex kienet ħafna fl-aħbarijiet. Sfortunatament tlifna ġawhra. Imma, din it-traġedja ġabitna ftit f’tagħna u fetħitilna għajnejna biex noqogħdu attenti ħalli ma nitilfux affarijiet oħra li għandna prezzjużi u għal qalbna. Aħna t-tfal tal-Ħames Sena mill-Kulleġġ t’Għawdex Skola Primarja Għarb inkwetati li minn hawn u ftit oħra għandna mnejn nitilfu ħaġa oħra. Pjanta endemika partikulari. Din hija s-Sempreviva t’Għawdex.