Organic Waste – Being part of a pilot project
submitted by St. Francis Primary School Cospicua : EkoSkola Committee for 7-10
dissemination(s): other, school media, website, youtube
filed under Video Clips
The objectives behind this project is to reduce the size of the black bag, make better use of landfill availability, reduce bio waste landfilling, and avoiding Green House Gas emissions to then increase Renewable Energy generation from Bio Waste. All the community of our school is taking part in this project and we are changing our waste disposal routine by separating: 1) Food Waste – Cooked & Raw, Fish & Shellfish, Bread & Pasta, Tea bags & grinded coffee. 2) Food Preparation Waste – Fruit & Vegetable peels, Egg shells, 3) Paper/Napkins/Newspapers contaminated with Food Waste 4) Leaves & Flowers To be able to do this Wasteserv Malta gave us organic bags which were given to us by the Head of School and the members of EkoSkola committee. We are doing our best to make this project a success.
YoungOld – Being part of a change
submitted by St. Francis Primary School Cospicua : School's Sub-Committee for 7-10
dissemination(s): other, school media, website, youtube
filed under Video Clips
Our students who are full of energy and enthusiasm believe that they have a long future ahead. Besides that at school they learn academical subject they also learn and are aware that one day or another they will get old.Thus they learn that they need to help people in various ways. So being part of our school’s action plan, every year they visit some old peoples’ homes to show that our students value all ages. Knowing that sometimes old people can feel so sad and lonely they wanted to be of some hope and maybe also a new beginning for old people at SVDP by building a strong friendly relationship. They visited them in their rooms, talked to them and also sang beautiful songs, but after all students wanted to make them feel loved once more.
Is it a passion 4 trees?
submitted by St. Francis Primary School Cospicua : School's Sub-Committee for 7-10
dissemination(s): https://www.facebook.com/StFrancisCospicua/?ref=hl, other, school media, website
filed under Video Clips
Students had the opportunity to plant seeds at our school and also in the outdoors. Seeds of indigenous trees were planted in the water bottles which they will grow in small plants which later on will be given to P.A.R.K.s Malta to be distributed around our island. Hands on and tree planting activities were also done at the European Garden Xrobb l-Ghagin, Buskett Forests, St. Vincent De Paule and at the Argotti Gardens. Knowing that trees not only remove harmful chemicals from the soil, but also help reduce the greenhouses leading to global warming, planting trees is a must and because we care and because we want to save our planet the students enthusiastically involved themselves in planting trees in various places around our Island.
Unwanted waste? Not for Us!
submitted by St. Francis Primary School Cospicua : School's Sub-Committee for 7-10
dissemination(s): computer lab, other, school media, website
filed under Video Clips
School children have been longing for some years for playground equipment to play with in the school yards, and other useful equipment like bookshelves & racks to be used in their classrooms. But instead of buying new equipment, our school community took the opportunity and decided to work on ‘Doing more with less’ to contribute through awareness raising on waste reduction while delivering the same level of functionality. Thus we collected some unwanted products such as palettes and tyres and by stimulating creativity we transferred them into a reuse system and changed them into beautiful classroom/school furniture and playground equipment, instead of eventually becoming waste by promoting how it is possible to extend their life and how to achieve the same function of a product from ending up as waste some of which are normally thrown out.
Every Drop Counts
submitted by St. Francis Primary School Cospicua : School's Sub-Committee for 7-10
dissemination(s): computer lab, other, school media, website
filed under Video Clips
After installing a home reverse osmosis system at our school to be able to minimise waste by using flasks instead of plastic water bottles, we got to know that when the reverse osmosis is not installed properly certain amount of water is being wasted down the drain. Thus knowing that water is so precious in our lives and that every drop counts, we took immediate action to utilise the system properly by installing the necessary needs and equipment so that the wasted-water will be used for flushing toilets.By means of this we managed to catch every drop!
Kampanja EkoMilied
submitted by St Ignatius College Primary Luqa : Aleandro Farrugia, Hayden Magri, Jamie Sultana, Julia Galea, Melaine Stivala, Sara Riani for 7-10
dissemination(s): DOI, Facebook, other, Other Schools through College Principals, tv, website
filed under Video Clips
Il-Kumitat EkoSkola tal-Kulleġġ San Injazju Primarja Luqa ħadem fuq kampanja ta’ għarfien fuq livell nazzjonali għal Milied aktar sostenibbli biex iqajjem kuxjenza dwar kemm jinħlew karti għalxejn fi żmien il-Milied. Wara l-Milied 2014, tlabna lit-tfal u lill-ġenituri kollha tal-iskola biex iżommu l-karti tat-tgeżwir tar-rigali li jkunu se jarmu u wara l-vaganzi tal-Milied iġibuhom l-iskola. Dawn intużaw f’attività li fiha ksejna l-art bihom. B’hekk stajna naraw l-ammont ta’ karti li kienu se jintremew. Ksejna area totali ta’ 522metru kwadru! Mill-filmati li ġbidna ta’ din l-attività, ħloqna vidjo (https://vimeo.com/147580611) li użajnih matul il-kampanja EkoMilied 2015 sabiex naqsmu mal-pubbliku dak li skoprejna. Barra minnhekk, b’din il-kampanja xtaqna nuru wkoll li hemm modi li bihom nistgħu naqtgħu din il-ħela, speċjalment billi nenfasizzaw dawk li bl-Ingliż jissejħu ‘the three Rs’ – reduce, reuse u recycle. Il-kampanja tnediet l-Erbgħa, 2 ta’ Diċembru fis-sala tal-iskola, fil-preżenza tal-Ministru għall-Iżvilupp Sostenibbli, l-Ambjent u t-Tibdil fil-Klima l-Onorevoli Leo Brincat.