The other side of Tourism
submitted by Girls Secondary School Handaq St.Ignatius College : Anthea Ellul for 15-18
dissemination(s): other, school noticeboard
filed under Articles
How sustainable is tourism in Malta and what can be done to make it more sustainable on all levels – socially, environmentally and economically.
L-Edukazzjoni f`Malta – X`qed isir biex jintlaħaq l-għan ta’ Europe 2020
submitted by Girls Secondary School Handaq St.Ignatius College : Amy Zammit for 15-18
dissemination(s): other, school noticeboard
filed under Articles
X`qed isir di hdan il-Ministeru tal-Edukazzjoni biex jintlaħaq l-għan ta’ Europe 2020, li r-rata ta’ dawk l-istudenti li ma jkomplux skola wara s-sekondarja jew inkella wara li jagħlqu sittax-il sena titnaqqas sa inqas minn għaxra fil-mija sal-2020.
Valletta and Leeuwarden as European Capital Cities in 2018
submitted by Girls Secondary School Handaq St.Ignatius College : Jael Micallef for 15-18
dissemination(s): other, school noticeboard
filed under Articles
The preparations, plans and projects of Valletta and Leeuwarden as European Capital cities and the views of locals and residents.
Water in the Maltese Islands: Every drop counts
submitted by Maria Regina College Secondary School Mosta : Jessica Schembri, Samira Axiak for 15-18
dissemination(s): school media, website
filed under Articles
Water scarcity has always been an issue in the Maltese Islands. This article shows how the EkoSkola committee at Maria Regina College Secondary School Mosta invested in a project to partially help in solving this problem.
St. Margaret College YRE Boys Verdala invited by the U.S. Embassy for the inauguration Energy-Savings Project
submitted by St Margaret College Secondary School Verdala Cospicua : Corben Caruana, Decheroe Gialanza, Gianluca Caruana, Russell Dimech for 15-18
dissemination(s): newspaper, other, school magazine, website
filed under Articles
On Thursday, 27th October 2016, a group of 9 YRE students were invited by U.S. Embassy to report the inauguration Energy-Savings Project. The U.S. Embassy Energy-Saving Photovoltaic and Wind Turbine System Project was officially inaugurated by U.S. Ambassador G. Kathleen Hill in the presence of the Minister of Sustainable Development, the Environment and Climate Change, Hon. Jose’ Herrera and Chief of Energy and Sustainable Design at the Department of State’s Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations, Ms. Donna McIntire-Byrd. Throughout this activity the students had the opportunity to interview Ambassador Hill and other officials involved in the project.
Reviving Cultural Importance in Europe
submitted by Girls Secondary School Handaq St.Ignatius College : Veronika Sytnyk for 15-18
dissemination(s): other, school noticeboard
filed under Articles
The Financing, Aims, Projects & Plans of Valletta 2018, its implications and the residents’ voice.
Clothes, clothes and more clothes
submitted by Girls Secondary School Handaq St.Ignatius College : Mariah Vella for 15-18
dissemination(s): other, school noticeboard
filed under Articles
How globalisation effects our cultural identity where clothing is concerned.
Do we know what is happening around us?
submitted by St. Ignatius College Middle School : Chatzie Psaila for 15-18
dissemination(s): other, school noticeboard, school media, website
filed under Articles
An article narrating the experience gained from an outing organized by school
Clean-up day at Pembroke National Public Park
submitted by St. Ignatius College Middle School : Kathryn Bugeja for 15-18
dissemination(s): other, school noticeboard, school media, website
filed under Articles
An article narrating the experience gained from a clean up initiative
Clean up day by Ħandaq
submitted by St. Ignatius College Middle School : Amy Zammit for 15-18
dissemination(s): other, school noticeboard, website
filed under Articles
AN articlenarrating the experience of cleaning Pembroke National Park