St. Vincent de Paul (Audit)
submitted by Mater Boni Consilii School Paola St. Joseph : Erica Grima, Nicole Grixti for 11-14
dissemination(s): newspaper, tv, website
filed under Articles
This article is about an audit that was held at St.Vincent De Paul retirement home. It is an eco-school audit to help the people that live there to have a better environment.
3 R’s
submitted by St Michael School St Venera : Hertian Salem Rizzo for 11-14
dissemination(s): school media
filed under Articles
This article is about the importance of Recyling
Stop Pollution !!!
submitted by St.Michael School Sta Venera : Jayden Dimech for 11-14
dissemination(s): school media
filed under Articles
This article is about the problem of pollution and the impact on Malta.
Uprooting Nature
submitted by St Michael School St Venera : Andreas Azzoaprdi for 11-14
dissemination(s): school media
filed under Articles
This article is about the impact of uprooting trees and impact of improper planting of trees in certain localities.
Jellyfish-free Beaches
submitted by Saint Francis Secondary School Sliema : Paula Zammit for 11-14
dissemination(s): On the EKOSKOLA Notice Board in the School Entrance Hall, other, website
filed under Articles
In this article, Paula Zammit gives an account of jellyfish in the Maltese waters. She mentions which are the most common types of jellyfish, whilst not ignoring the alien species that are paying us visits from time to time. She talks about the effect of sea temperature on these species and what can possibly reduce or increase their population in our seas.
submitted by Saint Francis Secondary School Sliema : Martina Buhagiar for 11-14
dissemination(s): other, School Assembly and School EkoSkola Noticeboard, school media, website
filed under Articles
The term biodiversity is the variation of different present organisms living in a particular ecosystem. In this article Martina Buhagiar takes a look at Biodiversity from a Maltese perspective. She focuses on flora and fauna which are quintessential and particular to the Maltese ecosystem. Every living organism, it made for its own habitat, some organisms create their own habitat however some find in ready, made by nature.
Life With Energy
submitted by Saint Francis Secondary School Sliema : Britney Pisani for 11-14
dissemination(s): http://saintfrancissecondary.com/ekoskola/yre competition/, other, school media, website
filed under Articles
In this article, Britney Pisani discusses the importance and use of energy. She focuses on Kinetic, Gravitational Potential, Mechanical, Chemical, Nuclear, Elastic Potential, Sound y, Electrical, Light and Heat (Thermal) Energy. After giving a short account of the energy types, she moves on to discuss the importance of Renewable sources of energy. Here she explains: Solar, Wind, Biomass, Hydroelectric, Wave, Tidal, and Geothermal Energy. She also makes it a point that for the well being of future generations we have to look at sustainable development by moving away from using fossil fuels to using renewable energy sources.
Kids on the Move
submitted by St Ignatius College GSS Blata l-Bajda : Chanell Chircop for 11-14
dissemination(s): It was presented on an international website, other, school magazine
filed under Articles
This article is showing the initiative taken by our school to promote the right values in order to counter the effects of climate change. The students’ work was final presented to the international organization Climate Alliance and presented at the United Nations Climate Summit held last December in Lima.
Reversing the wasting away of our environment and fortifications
submitted by Saint Francis Secondary School Sliema : Raquelle Borg for 11-14
dissemination(s): other, School Assembly and School EkoSkola Noticeboard, school media, website
filed under Articles
This report by 15 year old Raquelle Borg, looks at an environmental situation. The problem that was observed and that is being investigated is the haphazard and indiscriminate dumping along stretches of the ditch and adjoining areas of the St. James and St. Aloysius Bastions in Żabbar, Malta. The area is carefully investigated by this young reporter and solutions for sustainable development are carefully outlined.
Are our old people happy at S.V.P.R ?
submitted by St Ignatius College GSS Blata l-Bajda : Aimee Mallia, Chanell Chircop, Greta Micallef, Jake CUtajar, Luca Perrone for 11-14
dissemination(s): ekoskola notice board and school elink, other
filed under Articles
This article was written by the school’s YRE committee whilst reporting during San Vincent the Paule auditing exercise