Have you got green fingers?
submitted by St Monica School Birkirkara : Petra Sant and Martha Perici Ferrante for 11-14
dissemination(s): newspaper, website
filed under Articles
One of the few places in our school which hasn’t yet been utilised, is the roof on top of the science lab. This will not be for long though, since a Roof Garden is being constructed. PARKS organisation has donated four different kinds of seeds to our school, namely, cypress, oak, pine and Guda’s tree seeds. These have sown by the Eco Skola members in each primary classroom and by the Form 1 and Form 2 girls in the Secondary. Eventually, when the seeds grow into plants, they will be transferred to the Roof Garden.
submitted by St. Ignatius College Middle School : Jade Psaila for 11-14
dissemination(s): school media, website
filed under Articles
submitted by Our Lady Immaculate : Gabriella Zammit, Katryna Zahra, Kelsey Barons for 11-14
dissemination(s): school magazine
filed under Articles
Il-kaċċa: Aħna għażilna dan is-suġġett għax huwa suġġett li ilu jiġi diskuss minn ftit ta’ żmien ilu ‘l hawn. Saħansitra n-nies ħarġu petizzjoni biex jinqata’ l-istaġun tal-kaċċa iżda xorta għadda.
Are we there yet?
submitted by St Nicholas secondary Dingli : Elsa Bonello for 11-14
dissemination(s): other,school fb page and noticeboard
filed under Articles
Walking in the Maltese countryside, one notices the beautify flowery garigues and valleys. Sadly, among the flowers and thistle lie waste and rubbish dumped by irresponsible people.
What about Nature?!
submitted by St Ignatius College, Girls Secondary School, Handaq : Desiree Polidano for 11-14
dissemination(s): other,school noticeboard
filed under Articles
This article investigates the impact of tourism on the environment and the legislation in Malta.
Idling in the Sun
submitted by St. Augustine College : Ian Massa, Jean Luca Mercieca for 11-14
dissemination(s): newspaper,school magazine
filed under Articles
Many buildings in Malta still don’t have any solar panels. Rooftops lie idle in the sun, a worrying situation considering that Malta has the ideal climate for using solar panels as well as the many subsidies granted by the government. The main limitation is still cost.
Drying up our future?
submitted by San Anton School : Emma Degabriele for 11-14
dissemination(s): school magazine,website,school media
filed under Articles
The scarcity of water on our island has been a long term problem. The amount of groundwater which is used both for domestic and agricultural use is not adequate for our ever-growing population and has to be supplemented by water from Reverse Osmosis Plants. One of the main problems facing groundwater resources is over-extraction from boreholes. The problem does not lie with registered boreholes that have the extraction of water controlled by meters – but with numerous illegally dug ones that extract water as if there is no tomorrow. This unsustainable action will lead to salination of water that is a death warrant for the soil and the crops that grow there. We have to act TODAY, tomorrow might be too late.
An Eco-Friendly Church
submitted by St. Augustine College : Ian Massa, Jean Luca Mercieca for 11-14
dissemination(s): newspaper,school magazine
filed under Articles
We are two students who attend St Augustine’s College, Pieta’. A few months ago, we decided to enter the Ekoskola group in our school. We were given the opportunity to write an article about the possibility of installing solar panels on church property. Several stakeholders were contacted and a number of suggestions were put forward.
Animals have a life too
submitted by Saint Francis Secondary, Sliema : Donna Deguara, Shania Marie Spiteri for 11-14
dissemination(s): newspaper,website,other,Hardcopy in school foyer
filed under Articles
We have chosen to investigate animal abuse since we would like to raise awareness about this issue, as we think it is a huge problem. Unfortunately in the past few months there have been many cases of animal abuse in Malta.
Animal Abuse in Malta
submitted by Saint Francis Secondary, Sliema : Tamara Buhagiar for 11-14
dissemination(s): newspaper,website,other,Printed copy in school foyer
filed under Articles
“If you don’t like pictures of animal cruelty being posted on social media, you need to help stop the cruelty, not the pictures. You should be bothered that it’s happening, not that you saw it” (Marie Sarantakis). These strong words surely hit you like a cold shower. However they are the real, harsh truth. Animal abuse is becoming a serious problem in society today. We constantly find articles and pictures on social media which bother us for many reasons. Therefore, I am writing this article to raise awareness about this issue.