submitted by Independent : Cassar, Matthew for 15-18
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): website
filed under Articles
awarded: Best YREstayshome Award, Finalist, YREstayshome, YREstayshome International Award
An analysis focusing on the short and long term impacts the corona virus has had on both global and national air emissions.
Il-pesta tal-plastik
submitted by secondary school St Benedict College : Joseph Farrugia for 11-14
campaign: Litter Less Campaign Entry
dissemination(s): + Local Council notice board, newspaper, other
filed under Articles
awarded: 3rd place Litter less campaign, Finalist
An investigation on the damage caused by plastic littering and the use of single use plastic, and what is being done to address the problem.
A big hole in the ground
submitted by secondary school St Benedict College : Jeremie Zammit Young for 11-14
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): other, social media and public notice board
filed under Articles
awarded: Best Entry, Finalist, YREstayshome
The effect of quarries on the local community and the natural environment.
Cycling the Talk
submitted by G. F. Abela Junior College : Isaac Sam Camilleri for 15-18
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): newspaper, school media, tv, website
filed under Articles
awarded: Best Entry, Finalist, Sustainable Mobility Award
Malta one of the smallest nations in the EU with the highest population density, despite its tiny size, has a very high rate of car usage. Being a student myself I decided to investigate why bikes to commute are not so popular. I investigated this by interviewing the president of the NGO Bicycle Advocacy Group BAG, my college Principal, Transport Malta (TM), Infrastructure Malta (IM) and the Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects, Dr. Ian Borg.
Use of water fountains to reduce plastic waste
submitted by G. F. Abela Junior College : Gillian Vella, Leandros Catania for 15-18
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): newspaper
filed under Articles
awarded: 1st place Litter less Campaign, 3rd place international, Finalist
8 years after the beginning of the initiative of creating a water fountain system at the Junior College, we have put in research efforts in order to assess students’ perceptions and state of use of these fountains. This research was conducted through an online survey consisting of 150 student participants or approximately 8.4% of the students attending the college.
SUP- Stop Using Plastic Bags
submitted by St. Thomas More College Secondary School Zejtun : Aidan Jo Desira, Christine Desira, Daniel Attard, Jodie Sultana, Katrina Abela, Kelly Bor, Leanne Cassar, Nick Muscat, Sera Bonanno, Vanni Caruana, Zoe Zammit for 11-14
campaign: Litter Less Campaign Entry
dissemination(s): assembly, blogs, Facebook, Instagram, notice board, other, school magazine, school media, streets, tv, website
filed under Articles
awarded: 1st place Litter less Campaign, Finalist
This article is about a campaign held by a group of students from St. Thomas Moore Secondary School Zejtun about the use of single-use plastic bags. It describes the process done during the campaign but also discusses the results obtained from two surveys conducted. The camapign proved to be very successful as the students managed to adopt seven injured turtles as well.
Plastic Litter, Sea Water Temperature and pH: What is the link?
submitted by Gozo College Middle School : EkoSkola Committee for 11-14
campaign: Litter Less Campaign Entry
dissemination(s): EkoSkola blog, Ekoskola noticeboard, GLOBE website, Gozo news website, newspaper, other, school magazine, school media, website
filed under Articles
awarded: 2nd place Litter less Campaign, Finalist
Marine litter originates from many sources and causes a wide range of environmental, economic, safety, health and cultural impacts. For example, marine litter can cause harm to sea life if ingested or even death if a marine mammal becomes entangled in litter (PEW, 2018). But there other consequences as a result of all this litter ending up in the oceans and seas. Does plastic affect sea water conditions? This study investigated the effects of marine litter, especially plastic, on sea water. Following an outdoor classroom activity held at Ħondoq Bay (Figure 1), a small sandy beach in the South East of Gozo, the students decided to investigate the effects of plastic litter on sea water temperature and sea water pH levels.
Save Animals by Saying No
submitted by SNC Dingli Primary School : Liam Reick Zahra for 7-10
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): College Social Media, other, school noticeboard, school media, Story Jumper eBook, website
filed under Articles
awarded: 1st place Litter less Campaign, Finalist
Have you seen this amount of plastic overflowing in a skip? Did you know that to produce 14 plastic bags it takes the equivalent amount of the fuel required to drive one mile? This picture was taken in Mrieħel next to some shops. Action could have been taken by reducing packaging and saying “no” to single-use plastic. As a student at Dingli Primary School, I am aware that lots of action is being taken by the school to reduce plastic waste.