
Soil…. an essential natural resource

submitted by G. F. Abela Junior College University of Malta : Aidan Gauci, Marie Therese Pavia  for 19-25
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): newspaper, school media, tv, website
filed under Reporting video Video Clips
awarded: Best Entry, Finalist

Soil is an essential resource to which many do not give much thought. It can take thousands of years to form and is fundamental, directly and indirectly, to several United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Unfortunately, in our country, it is increasingly under threat. This video about soil in Malta was produced by Marie Therese Pavia and Aidan Gauci (University of Malta, Ġ.F Abela Junior College) as part of the Young Reporters for the Environment competition 2020. It investigates issues related to local soil so as to raise awareness and knowledge about this vital natural resource. The following is the link of the video:    

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Sustainable Tourism: is it possible?

submitted by IES Aguas Vivas MCAST Malta : Carlo Musco, Miguel Rojo Torres, Ruben Del Rio Valtueña  for 19-25
campaign: Litter Less Campaign Entry
dissemination(s): other, school media, Social Media
filed under Best entry international collaboration Reporting video Video Clips
awarded: 1st place international, Best Entry International Collaboration

Does tourism affect the rate of waste generation? Through this creative collaboration between Malta and Spain, we explored how both countries fight waste issues in order to strive for a sustainable future.

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submitted by MCAST Institute for the Creative Arts : Andrew Portelli Hale  for 19-25
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): other, Social Media Post
filed under Reporting video Video Clips

The short film is about how the overdevelopment in Malta affects the daily routine of a young man. The amount of noise disrupts his daily life whether it be eating with his family, getting ready for the day ahead or just doing an errand. The problem of overdevelopment is so bad that it causes him stress and panic as he lies awake at night only to hear the sounds of construction echoing in his mind making him numb to his surroundings. He decides to get away from this craziness and chaos in the city and goes to the countryside where he finds peace and quiet. For a while, he has found a safe haven, until a construction crew worker comes and gives him a paper which lets him know that the property will be built on and that he must leave. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHP8LpOKp20    

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Waste bin story

submitted by University of Malta : Denise Brignani, Federica Scinetti  for 19-25
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): website
filed under Campaigning video Video Clips
awarded: 1st place international, 1st place Litter less Campaign

Waste bin story We are two Erasmus student of the University of Malta. We created this video to promote the zero-waste lifestyle. By using a waste bin as the focus of the video, we showed how Malta’s waste crisis could be eased by ditching single-use products.          

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Traces of Him

submitted by MCAST : Alexandre  for 19-25
dissemination(s): school media
filed under Video Clips

did this project about Social Issue with others students, because it is a problem the influence a considerable numbers of the individuals within a society. This project is about a Person life social issue. A younger photographer who hasn’t been so close to her father, until he passed away and she start to realize that, she had a good time together with her father, sharing a bowl of ice cream, movies, playing etc… Perhaps she shouldn’t wait so long to tell her father I am sorry or how much she loved him. Now he’s gone and there’s nothing that she can do to chance it, but she can let others knows that it can happen to anyone.

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Ġgantija temples and their preservation

submitted by MCAST Institute for creative arts : Christopher  for 19-25
dissemination(s): other, Youtube video
filed under Video Clips

Ġgantija is a Gozitan marvel and is a shame when someone vandalises and abuses such magnificence. As a concept it gathers what is done to preserve and protect these temples as well as what procedures are taken when vandalism is the guest. This also highlights the beauty and the appreciation people have for this ancient temple. The video questions how, why, when and what is done to assure that these temples does not suffer from any ‘graffiti’ or personal signature from ‘culprits’. In this video, a brief knowledgeable and visual story is given to audience to immerse for the first time or relish for the second time watching this beautiful phenomenon created by our ancestors. Last but not least this video shows how up to date is the welcome centre and that finally Ġgantija is given the appreciation it deserves. Enjoy!  

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Shark Conservation in Malta

submitted by MCAST : Karl Azzopardi  for 19-25
dissemination(s): school media, tv, website
filed under Video Clips

Sharks have always suffered from an unnecessary stigma induced by Hollywood. This project aims to bring conservation projects and people closer together. I interview Martina Brancato, who is the aquarium’s Science and Education officer and she explained to me how the Malta National Aquarium and SharkLab and collaborating on a conservation project on Nursehound and Spotted Cat sharks. This is a volunteer driven project and relies on the commitment of those that work effortlessly to see the shark populations increase. Martina then goes on to explain how SharkLab is an international project whose efforts are spread worldwide on may species of shark.

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Solar Power?

submitted by Malta College of Arts Science and Technology : Nina Karniej  for 19-25
dissemination(s): other, Social Media
filed under Video Clips

For a centuries sun was described as a god. Nowdays the energy it creates can be captured and used in our everyday life. Malta has over 300 sunny days per year, is the power of the sun the future main energy source for the island? What if this future is happening now? Maltese people already introduced the process of being first green island in Europe with starting the sequence of events like Research, Partnership and Education schemes.

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submitted by MCAST ICA : Liam Carter  for 19-25
dissemination(s): radio, school media, tv, website
filed under Video Clips
awarded: Best Entry

Il-Forti Ricasoli, l-akbar fortifikazzjoni ġo Malta jinsab f’sitwazzjoni perikoluża. Tant hu hekk li jekk kollox jibqa’ mixi bl-istess rata dan il-forti jista’ jispiċċa biss eku tal-passat. Ħejejt dan dan il-proġett awdjo-viżiv bl-għan li l-awtoritajiet ikkonċernati flimkien mal-poplu Malii jsir konxju tas-sitwazzjoni li din il-ġahwra storika tinsab fih. Produzzjoni u kitba ta’ Liam Carter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFGvXZdFFAo&feature=youtu.be

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submitted by MCAST Institute for the Creative Arts : Dwayne Sammut  for 19-25
dissemination(s): school media
filed under Video Clips

    This video was created for school to try and show awareness about the problem at hand. So my video is about one of the biggest fights which are nature vs. machine and the emotions behind them because we see this every day and still don’t do anything about it. These days it’s more common to see construction work/sites and a lot of different types of machinery everywhere and then we see nature less and less every day. This video was made to bring awareness and open people’s eyes to what mankind is doing to the world. Solutions for construction if you are seeing/hearing it everywhere just go to a quiet place for yourself examples: parks or gardens were you can be in silence and peace while looking at nature

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