What A Shame!

submitted by SNC Dingli Primary School : Isaac Micallef  for 7-10
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): Notice board and Local Council, other, school media, website
Proof of dissemination: Click to view Click to view Click to view
Dissemination description: Dissemination was through the School Website, College FB page, School Noticeboard and Local Council. Website and FB Page have a following of over 1000+ followers (FB - https://www.facebook.com/stnicholasmalta/, Website - https://dingliprimaryschool.wordpress.com/). Our noticeboard is situated in a prominent position at the school's entrance and viewed by students, staff, parents and visitors. An eBook was also published on StoryJumper and shared on social media outlets as well as the local council: https://www.storyjumper.com/book/showframe/78177855/Young-Reporters-for-the-Environment#.
sustainable development goal(s): good health and well being, life on land, quality education
filed under Photos Reporting photo
awarded: Commended

Whilst walking around Buskett Gardens, it’s a pretty common sight to see litter everywhere, from under the trees to the streams. Unfortunately, a lot of people go for a walk or for a picnic and just throw away their waste wherever they happen to be. It’s a real shame! As the Sustainable Development Goal no 15 specifies, we are not taking care of and conserving our natural environment especially since Malta is very limited of it. We have to try and stop people from ruining our environment and protect the animals’ natural habitat. We have to start acting now!

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